



At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a drawing competition was held among students and schoolchildren as part of the action "We are against corruption!", Organized by the student club "Sanaly Urpak".

As noted by the head of the student club "Sanaly Urpak" Rauzana Mamyrkhan, the competition was announced among schoolchildren and student youth. As a result, 34 best drawings were selected for the final. The competition jury was headed by the head of the republican project office "Sanaly Urpak" Kaiyrzhan Tokushev, it also included: director of the department for educational work Zhuldyz Yesimova, head of the committee of youth organizations of KazNU Madina Iskakova, chairman of the student trade union "Sar" Nuriddin Bakdaulet and members of the student club ".

The contestants' drawings were made in different techniques and styles. The evaluation of the works took place within five days after the opening of the exhibition by means of voting. Each work revealed the worldview of the participants who saw and felt the problem of corruption at their own level and tried to convey its negative consequences for society and individuals separately.

Many contestants tried themselves for the first time in the role of artists and were able to show new facets of their talent. For example, a drawing created by a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KazNU Makhabbat Zhumagalikyzy conveyed the meaning of the scale of corruption, the roots of which spread throughout the country. She drew a map of Kazakhstan with the words “Stop Corruption” and a person transferring money to another person. Another participant of the competition - a 2nd year student of the IT faculty Nazym Amanzholova - also presented an interesting work, depicting a dollar bill in the form of a bridge that stretches to the desktop of the manager-chief. A man walked along it with a folder inside which lay a pile of money. And under the bridge-bill, people stood patiently, waiting for their turn. According to the artist, the meaning of her work is that all questions and problems are solved today with the help of money.


In an interview, Nazym Amanzholova said that such contests as "We are against corruption!" it should be carried out more often so that young people think about the meaning of life, bring up the best qualities in themselves: honesty, decency and responsibility. “A feeling of patriotism woke up in me, because I was able to sincerely convey my attitude to the problem and say my word. It was heard. Corruption is evil, and it can cause great damage to every person and the state as a whole, therefore, together, we must resist it, fight with the whole society, so that our independent state becomes more developed, democratic and strong, ”N. Amanzholova said.


According to the results of the competition, the jury awarded the first place to the 1st year student of the KazNAA named after T.Zh. Zhurgenov Madina Nurdygalieva. The second place was won by the 1st year student of the KazNU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Zhuldyz Seytbek. Aizada Zhanaeva, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, won the honorable third place. The jury also awarded the nomination "Most Creative Idea" to Mahabbat Zhumagalikyzy, a 2nd year student of the IT Faculty. The nomination "Audience Choice Award" was won by student Nazym Amanzholova. Congratulations to the winners!