



In honor of the celebration of Nauryz and the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University supported the tree planting charity event, planting more than 160 Crimean pines and Altai firs.


The idea of the event is consonant with the statements of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev at the first meeting of the State Commission on preparation for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where he proposed to celebrate the great day of Ulus in a new way and actively promote the good tradition of ancestors who cleaned overgrown springs for Nauryz and planted trees. Such events are the most effective method of educating the young generation, a way to instill in them care for the nature and ecology of their native land.


 In addition, the Head of State noted in the article “Independence Above All”: “We must consistently promote common values, ideas that unite our people. They must be firmly entrenched in the minds of all citizens. In this regard, the concept of celebrating Nauryz Meiramy should be developed and the content of the wonderful holiday should be enriched. The more consolidating values there are in our society, the stronger our unity will be. "


It should be noted that KazNU, according to the concept of celebrating Nauryz, taking into account quarantine requirements, conducts such events as: "Kөrisu kuni", "Zhaylau kuni", "Shezhire kuni", "Tarihқa taғzym kuni", "Igi іster kunі", "Shymyrlyk pen sheberlik kuni ”,“ Ziyatkerlik kuni ”,“ Ulttyk taғamdar kuni ”,“ Ulystyk uly kuni ”and“ Zhoralky kuni ”.


In his speech, the chairman of the board is the rector of KazNU named after al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev also noted that in the near future it is necessary to plant greenery on the campus, sections of buildings and dormitories. In addition, he suggested planting an alley of cherry trees and apple trees so that students could see cherry blossoms without traveling to Japan. If this project is implemented, the alley of fruit trees will become one of the main recreation areas for students, guests and residents of the city.