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The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a competition of amateur performances "Student Spring-2021". The festival, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held within the framework of the celebration of Nauryz Meiramy, on the creation of the concept of which the organizers were inspired by the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev "Independence is the most precious thing."
The purpose of the competition is to develop and promote traditions and customs among young people, familiarize themselves with Kazakh instruments, strengthen peace and friendship, preserve national identity, and form a respectful attitude towards the environment. Despite the pandemic, the student youth of KazNU took an active part in the long-awaited competition. The competition between the participants was hot and long, as a result, the winners were determined - the most talented and brilliant participants.
The Grand Prix of the competition was won by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The talented students of the faculty logically linked many historical events of the Kazakh people with the Nauryz holiday, while masterly using instrumental performance, acting, dance and vocal art.
The first place of honor was awarded to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, which distinguished itself by its original approach and creative ideas. Student solidarity manifested itself from the first bars of movement in the dance. The performance on the theme "Skill and Shymyrlyk" showed the complexity and skill of performing competitive dances between wrestlers. And the girls recreated the ancient Kazakh ornaments and totem signs, decorating the jugs. One of the brightest performances was singing to the accompaniment of percussion instruments - a forgotten art that requires talent and skill.
The second place was taken by the philological and the faculty of pre-university education. Students, being in different parts of Kazakhstan, using special props, bright stage costumes, celebrated the national holiday, focusing on the aesthetic education and philosophical meaning of Nauryz Meiramy. In one of the videos, students of the faculty of pre-university education opened the number with the winged words "El bolamyn desek - besіgіңdi tuze", delighting everyone with a concert performance - playing the dombra.
The third place was won by students of the History and Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, who called on young people to learn about history, honor their native land and preserve its independence.
All the works of the contestants were published on the @kaznuartcentr page, and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, which received 5313 votes and 11,736 positive reviews from fans, received the nomination "Zhuzden zhuirik, mynan tulpar". According to the results of the competition, students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics were awarded the "Zhalyndy Zhastar" nomination.
The organizers of the competition expressed their gratitude to the students of the faculties of geography and nature management, biology and biotechnology, international relations, oriental studies, who made a significant contribution to the popularization of the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.