



Scientists, teachers and engineers of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University have developed and commissioned a small-scale production of an innovative hardware and software complex for the study of electrical phenomena and magnetism in physics courses in schools and colleges.

The complex, prepared by the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics at KazNU, is an innovative innovation that has never been produced in Kazakhstan.

“The advantage of domestic innovative products over other manufacturers is that they are multifunctional, containing more than 20 laboratory works at the same time. Secondly, the created laboratory complex has compact dimensions (no more than 40x30x15 cm), low weight and is made in the form of a portable suitcase. It is able to work autonomously without external power supply, as it is equipped with a rechargeable battery, the full charge of which is sufficient for at least 15 classes. Also, in accordance with modern requirements, a number of alternative measuring devices have been replaced with digital ones, ”said the chief engineer of the project, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate of the State Prize, associate professor Merlan Dosbolaev.

Scientists have developed two versions of the laboratory complex: basic and extended. The second format includes all the functionality of the basic version, at the same time it has a number of unique solutions. It includes a full-fledged single-board computer with a 7-inch monitor, running a Linux-based operating system, as well as specially designed software with a friendly user interface. “The main advantages of the laboratory installation are that it is safe for students, there is protection against short circuit, deep discharge and overcharge of the battery, current and voltage limits. It is compact and mobile, and there is warranty and post-warranty repair and maintenance on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "- commented on the technical condition of the complex, the project's commercial specialist Askar Zhunusbekov.

An innovative hardware and software complex for the study of electrical phenomena and magnetism is the result of the hard work of scientists from the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. The engineers-inventors spent three years to implement the innovative project. According to Askar Zhunusbekov, several innovative tools of the first pilot sample were handed over to schoolchildren as visual aids in secondary specialized educational institutions. The developers plan to launch mass production in the near future and offer consumers about a thousand copies per year.

The project manager is a well-known scientist in the scientific community, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize, professor Tlekkabul Ramazanov. Seven specialists from the Research Institute took part in the project: Chief Engineer (Designer) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, State Prize Laureate, Associate Professor Merlan Dosbolaev, Commercialization Specialist Askar Zhunusbekov, Lead Designer - Yerasyl Yerlanuly, Designer - Asan Abdrakhmanov, Engineer -technologist - Elnur Eleubaev, engineer - Maksat Oraz. Inventor physicists are the authors of several innovative scientific discoveries. For example, the chief designer Merlan Dosbolaev has been working as a teacher at the Department of Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology and Computer Physics since September 2008. And his scientific direction is a new area of ​​plasma physics - the physics of solid non-ideal dusty plasma.

M. K. Dosbolaev is the winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university-2015", the diploma "The best young scientist of KazNU. al-Farabi "(2014). Three times holder of a state scholarship for young and talented scientists (2008, 2010, 2013), laureate of the independent award of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Leader of Science" according to Thomson Reuters databases (2016).

The strategic goal of the scientific infrastructure of KazNU named after al-Farabi is the formation of specialists for the innovative development of the social and humanitarian environment and the economy through the integration of science, education and production.

The Research Institute for Experimental and Theoretical Physics was organized on April 10, 1992. The Institute conducts scientific activities not only in the field of physics, but also in mathematics, chemistry, biology, sociology, etc. The research results of the Institute's scientists are reflected in specific recommendations. This is evidenced by the participation of scientists in international exhibitions on innovative projects, obtained copyright certificates and patents. With vast experience behind them in conducting research and development work, the employees of the institute are the authors of more than 500 patents and copyright certificates. The Institute occupies a leading position in the publication activity in the field of natural sciences in fundamental and applied research.

Prominent scientists, scientists, academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences, laureates of various awards in the field of science and technology, including the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have worked and continue to work within the walls of the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.