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Young scientists, students and teachers of humanitarian faculties of KazNU named after al-Farabi will take part in the A.A. Gromyko, which will be held in July this year.
The CIS Young International Relations Competition is a large-scale event of great weight and status in the field of higher education. It provides all participants - students, young scientists, teachers, diplomats, managers, journalists from the CIS countries under 40 with the opportunity to publish their scientific works in leading scientific publications. The level is evidenced by the status of the organizers of the event, which were: Association for Foreign Policy Studies named after A.A. Gromyko, Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Institute of Europe RAS, MGIMO.
The invitation to the competition addressed to the Chairman of the Board - Rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev came from the Director of the Institute of Europe, Chairman of the Association for Foreign Policy Studies, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Gromyko.
As the rector of KazNU named after al-Farabi Zh. Tuimebayev noted, the international competition of the CIS named after A. A. Gromyko is an excellent platform for exchanging views and experience, new ideas, as well as scientific results of young scientists and students. The holding of this competition for the fourth time testifies to its prestige among specialists in the field of international relations of the CIS countries. So, in 2018-2020, more than 600 works of young scientists from 11 countries took part in it.
Representatives of various disciplines have the opportunity to submit applications for the competition - historians, economists, political scientists, lawyers, sociologists, philosophers. They will be accepted until May 11th.
Participants will compete in the main, debut and essay nominations. The articles of the winners of the competition in the main category will be published in leading scientific journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission and Scopus.
It should be noted that the Scopus database contains about 15 thousand publications of scientists of Kazakhstan, of which 3200 or 21% are accounted for by scientists - KazNU named after al-Farabi. Every fifth article published by Kazakhstani authors in journals included in the Scopus database belongs to scientists from Al-Farabi KazNU.
According to the results of a comprehensive assessment by the British rating agency QS, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received high scores and was awarded the maximum rating of "5 stars" in a number of indicators: training, employment opportunities, research, internationalization, services, art and culture, innovation, modern languages. The assignment of the QS superiority sign "5 stars" means that KazNU named after Al-Farabi has a high international reputation and demonstrates leadership positions in the global scientific and educational space.
Practice shows that the participation of universities in international competitions and projects significantly increases the competitiveness of universities and contributes to an effective collaboration process. In this regard, the scientists of KazNU noted that the participation of young scientists and students of KazNU in the competition for international affairs of the CIS will contribute to the integration of Kazakhstani science into the world information scientific space, the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and the increase in scientific publications.
In connection with the epidemiological situation, the presentations of the competition at the universities of the CIS are held online. Syrym Maratovich Parpiev (syrym.parpiyev@kaznu.kz) was appointed as the responsible person from Al-Farabi KazNU for interaction with the Organizing Committee of the Competition. The winners of the competition, in addition to publishing articles in leading scientific journals with a high impact factor, will receive valuable prizes and a grant to participate in the Finalists' Forum, which will be held in Moscow in July 2021. The results of the competition will be announced at the Institute of Europe, RAS.