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Scientists and professors from Kazakhstan, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Russia and Mongolia are participating in the project “Innovative Approach to the Master's Program in Smart Cities Technologies” Erasmus SMARTCITY.
The goal is to exchange experience in the development and creation of smart technologies and universities, as well as to present the process of transformation of higher education.
The rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev said that on the way to the SMART University, KazNU entered the final stage of transition to a digital system. “Currently, the technical equipment of the university is in full swing. The campus will become a completely comfortable environment for students and staff. All business processes and communication systems are being optimized, and individual service networks are being automated. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is integrating various automation systems, ”the rector said.
The head of the university spoke about the transition of the university to a digital system of work. All digital services on campus are currently being updated. Special receivers and other smart technologies are used to control all buildings.
In addition, new teaching methods using digital technologies are being introduced within the walls of the university. This is especially important during a pandemic. The university has begun to implement "Easy Learning for All" - available anytime, on all devices. As a result, new pedagogical opportunities are opened up for teachers and professors using assessment and effectiveness tools.
The same achievements of the university were recognized by international partners, and KazNU was awarded the status of a school of smart technologies. Leading scientists in the field of information, communication technologies and automation from 7 countries, including European ones, share their experience in the field of education.
During the work of the school, the best projects of Al-Farabi KazNU on the use of smart technologies were presented to the general public.
In particular, the transfer of all communications of the university to a digital system, identification technologies at the entrance to the campus, monitoring security on the campus, monitoring classes, analyzing student progress and employee productivity, smart city technologies, a "green" campus, and much more. The interest of the participants aroused and a special project "Smart greenhouse", developed by undergraduates of KazNU. Schoolchildren will also be involved in the project, which is being prepared for the Republican Physics and Mathematics School.
It should be noted that within the framework of the Erasmus project on the implementation of innovative approaches in master's programs and technologies of smart cities, today the Greek University is successfully implementing a double degree program. As a result, six undergraduates of Kazakhstan were educated at the International University of Greece. It is also planned to defend master's theses on the basis of a European university and KazNU named after al-Farabi.
The school will close its work on April 30, 2021.
Department of Image Policy and Public Relations of Al-Farabi KazNU
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