


Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev spoke at the international online conference “A. Tenishev. Sardar of Turkic Linguistics ”, which was organized by the International Turkic Academy.

The large-scale event was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great son of the Tatar people, the famous Turkologist-scientist Adham Tenishev.

The head of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, spoke about the bright life and work of the famous scientist. A. Tenishev was born in Russia into a family of Tatar intelligentsia and grew up in Kyrgyzstan. The scientist received higher education in Moscow and Leningrad, which were the center of science and culture. He devoted his life to the study of ancient languages, written monuments, history and ethnography of the Turkic peoples.

“The breadth and variety of scientific interests of Adham Tenishev, as well as his knowledge in the scientific and human aspects of organizing collective work, helped him to become an outstanding leader of Turkic studies,” said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

At the conference, an analysis of the ethnographic works of the scientist, dedicated to the folklore of the Turkic peoples, various areas of the material and spiritual culture of the Turks, was sounded. The monographs of Adham Tenishev "Introduction to the Study of Turkic Languages" and "Grammar of the Turkish Language", published in Chinese, were recognized as a significant contribution to the development of Turkic studies. Adham Rakhimovich is the author of over 60 scientific papers.

Famous scientists and heads of scientific organizations of the Turkic world took part in the international event.