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As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “O. Suleimenov - Poet and Citizen ", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the prominent statesman and public figure, poet Olzhas Suleimenov.
The event, organized by Al-Farabi KazNU, began with the opening of a classroom named after Olzhas Suleimenov at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, from which he graduated in 1959. In the Museum of History of KazNU named after Al-Farabi presented the exposition of the book exhibition "Poet of a Planetary Scale", which includes unique photographic documents, the first collected works, awards, congratulatory addresses and personal belongings of the poet.
The Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, opening the conference, in his speech noted the bright and unique creative and social activities of the hero of the day.
O. Suleimenov's life is directly connected with the leading university of the country, and today he is its honorary professor. The poet made a huge contribution to the formation of the country's independence, and his works had a great influence on the spiritual formation of several generations of thinkers and ordinary people. The treasury of world literature includes such masterpieces by Olzhas Suleimenov as: "Argymak", "Atameken", "Ainalayin", "Round Star". The head of the university noted that the book "1001 words" by O. Suleimenov has become a kind of poetic formula for constant search and creativity. Studying the origin of the Sumerian, ancient Egyptian and ancient Chinese hieroglyphs, the scientist revealed the secrets of the history and culture of mankind. Thus, he challenged the theory of Western scholars that the ancient language derives from Indo-European languages. Olzhas Suleimenov - as a citizen of the world made a huge contribution to the unity and harmony of the people, the development of the country's literature and culture.
Yubilyar was also congratulated by the Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Alumni Association of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Kairat Mami. In his speech, he emphasized that our brilliant compatriots Chokan Valikhanov, Abai Kunanbayev, Mukhtar Auezov played a huge role in the Kazakhs' worldview. Olzhas Suleimenov belongs to this cohort. “Olzhas Omarovich is our great contemporary! The poet of the philosophical outlook during his lifetime became a legend, glorifying his people, their honor and dignity, history and culture. He was able to “Raise the steppe without humiliating the mountains. I consider it a great happiness that in my life I have been able to work together, until today, with such a wonderful person as part of the Presidium of the Al-Farabi KazNU Alumni Association, ”said K. Mami, Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the online conference, the following speakers also spoke and congratulated: Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aida Balaeva, public and political figure of Kazakhstan, famous writer, publisher Rollan Seisenbaev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNAU Tlektes Espolov, Director of the Arabistics Center of KazNU, Professor Absattar Derbisali, President of the Academy of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Zhurinov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Kazakhstan Didier Cannes, member of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Evgeny Sidorov, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University Elena Zeifert, Chairman of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Ulugbek Esdaulet and many other famous scientists , statesmen and public figures.
In his address, President of the Academy of NAS RK Murat Zhurinov, congratulating the hero of the day, said: “When Yuri Gagarin circled in space in gravity, our Olzhas spoke on behalf of the earthlings with the famous poem -“ Earth bow to man ”. You have glorified your people, your nation, your city for the whole world, and therefore we are obliged to show you special respect, and we are really proud of you that you, a Kazakh, are known to the whole world. " The academician also said that O. Suleimenov will be awarded a large gold medal of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan, Rashid Mammadov conveyed congratulations on behalf of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. The ambassador noted the most important role of O. Suleimenov in strengthening friendship between fraternal peoples: “Olzhas Omarovich in Azerbaijan is called a man whose feeling of fear is atrophied. In 1990, Soviet troops entered Baku and a large number of civilians were killed. During this difficult period for the Azerbaijani people, Olzhas Suleimenov spoke from the high tribunes, defended and fought for truth and justice. Our people are grateful to him, we respect and love him, ”the ambassador said, adding that by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Olzhas Suleimenov was awarded the highest state award for his contribution to the development of cultural ties between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
Olzhas Suleimenov occupies a firm place among such poets as Andrei Voznesensky, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Akhmadullina, Robert Rozhdestvensky. In April 1961 O. Suleimenov conquered the USA and Europe with his poems, declaring that “There is no East and West, there is a huge word - Earth”. His poetry burst into Soviet literature and was able to find its way to the hearts of millions of readers. The poet creates his works in Russian, but their essence is the fate of his native people. All poetry of O. Suleimenov, every word acquaints the reader with the boundless steppes of the Kazakhs, history and modernity. At the end of the conference there was a presentation of the book "Argymak", published by the international center of Abai at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU