
KazNU-EU: vector of cooperation


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the international round table «EU Strategy in Central Asia: Opportunities and Prospects», which was attended by the Special Representative of the European Union for Central Asia Peter Burian, Kazakh scholars and experts.

During his visit to KazNU, Peter Burian got acquainted with the work of the European Information Center, the Center for German Studies, the Romanesque Center, the implementation of academic mobility programs, including «Erasmus+», «Abai-Vern», «IAESTE» and others. The guest was informed that the University is currently implementing 13 research and educational projects to improve the potential of higher education within the framework of the Erasmus+ program in partnership with European countries, and a grant holder in two of them. In addition, the university participates in 39 academic mobility projects funded by the European Union, and actively develops dual degree programs.

During the discussion, Peter Burian focused on the current issues on the agenda of cooperation between the EU and Central Asia – ensuring regional security, water resources, ecology and climate change, the development of civil society, gender, and youth policy. The EU Special Representative focused on cooperation in the field of science and education. He marked that in order to unlock the scientific potential at the international level, Kazakh universities need to actively participate in European research programs, such as «Horizon Europe», «Erasmus+», etc. The EU Special Representative expressed hope that the meeting will find its logical continuation in joint scientific events and scientists' research projects, and also proposed to jointly organize an international forum "EU – Central Asia" at the leading Kazakh university.

During the event, the book «The European Union and the countries of Central Asia: Opportunities and prospects for cooperation in the light of the new strategy», authored by A. Chebotarev and M. Gubaidulina was presented. The publication was published as part of an international project of the German Rosa Luxemburg Foundation with the advisory support of the European External Relations Service of the EU.

At the meeting, scientists and experts in the field of European studies shared their views on the further development of relations between Kazakhstan and the Central Asian countries with the EU. It was noted that the European Union is a strategic trade and investment partner of Kazakhstan, contributing about half of the foreign trade turnover and investments in the country economy. An important event for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation was the 18th meeting of the Cooperation Council «Republic of Kazakhstan – European Union» in Brussels with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi, where issues of expanding cooperation in the scientific and educational sphere were also under consideration.

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU