


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is undoubtedly one of the national brands. It is the flagship of a higher school, an advanced scientific center of the country, included in the TOP-200 of the best universities in the world. And the scale is impressive: today 30 thousand students study here! Moreover, there are many envoys from near and far abroad among them.

Every year at the end of May, the next Alumni Meeting Day is traditionally celebrated. It is a pity that the current circumstances did not allow us to gather at the alma mater, however, at our service - online platforms, an innovative format helps out.

I am a graduate of the famous Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (this is the former name of Mechanics and Mathematics), which thundered throughout the Union and, thanks to the highest authority of the legendary rector Umirbek Dzholdasbekov, played a coordinating role in interuniversity specialized cooperation. As the rector of my native university in 2008-2010, I did not specifically highlight, but, of course, I took care of my beloved faculty. I am glad that he now does not give up his leading positions, like KazNU as a whole, modernizing, adapting to the digital economy and absorbing the most valuable of modern developments.

From the walls of one of the highest quality and most prestigious "forges" of personnel, many outstanding people have come out. Among them are well-known politicians and statesmen, prominent scientists and businessmen. To list the most worthy of the worthy, you must agree, is a thankless task. This information can be found on the Internet. And here I will name only a few academicians solely by their affiliation with the faculty. With the deepest respect I pronounce their names: K.A.Kassymov, Sh.M. Aytaliev, U.M. Sultangazin, A.A. Zhensykbaev, D.U. Umbetzhanov, Sh.A. Ershin, V.M. Amerbaev, V.M. A.Sapa, T.N.Biyarov, A.T.Lukianov, N.T.Danaev, Sh.S. Smagulov, S.U. Dzholdasbekov ... Let us recall the other knights of science later, we will not leave anyone without due attention.

Dear students and colleagues! I am pleased to see that Mekhmat remains committed to innovation and integration policy. Double-degree educational programs with Russia, Great Britain, France, Greece are successfully carried out here. The departments are lectured by invited scholars from the best universities in the world. For example, I know that since 2015 more than 30 professors from Russia, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Japan, France, Greece and Ukraine have conducted lecture courses in special disciplines. An excellent, promising example in the context of the globalization of education!

Mekhmat effectively implements international scientific and educational projects, helping the university to purchase specific equipment for laboratories at the expense of the proceeds, and attracts students, undergraduates and doctoral students to scientific research on a paid basis. And the World Bank project "Technology of seasonal accumulation of solar thermal energy for heating and hot water supply of residential area / multi-storey buildings" was continued - as a result, an innovative enterprise, GreenWell Mechanics LLP, was created.

It is also gratifying to note that the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, which I founded in 2002, is quite effective and has serious achievements in the development of computer technologies. Among its best graduates are Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asset Tursynov, a member of the Forbes Kazakhstan rating "30 under 30" last year, businessman Aibek Kuatbayev and specialists who head the country's IT companies.

Mechanics is the science of motion. And the faculty's credo is to keep up with the times, constantly “build momentum”, relying on discoveries and progress. For example, in 2019, the educational program "Robotic Systems" was launched, since this promising direction is the future. By the way, at one time the perspicacious scientist U. A. Dzholdasbekov successfully developed this topic up to its implementation in specific mechanisms. So we can say that robotics has found a "second wind" with us.

I am also proud of the fact that MekhMat continues to "expand" its "horizons". So, two years ago, another department appeared in its structure - Computational Sciences and Statistics. It combined actuarial mathematics, mathematical statistics and computational sciences into a common pool. Thus, a platform for the widest range of interdisciplinary research has been created. In particular, on the basis of the department, a systematic analysis of the primary forecasts of the course of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kazakhstan has already been carried out.

For the first time in our country, educational programs implemented on the basis of the department are aimed at mastering disciplines related to the theory of quantum computing, which have a breakthrough significance. Setting the bar high is the right approach in the face of rapidly growing global competition. And the mechanics and mathematics firmly adheres to it - all educational projects of the faculty take first places in national ratings, high positions in the QS Subject gradation and have received international accreditation.

A graduate of KazNU - it sounds proudly! This is tantamount to an honorary title! Taking this opportunity, I want to wish our wonderful university prosperity and further successful development for the good of the Fatherland, and to all graduates - the implementation of the most daring ideas and great achievements!



Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

President of NIA RK,

Academician of NAS RK