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Within the walls of the best university in the country, eminent luminaries of science founded well-known scientific schools, trained graduates who today work in all spheres of the country's life. The University is proud that the great Mukhtar Auezov lectured on the history of oral folk and modern Kazakh literature, Abay studies in its classrooms. This tradition was continued by his student - academician, writer Zeinolla Kabdolov.
Professor Tursynbek Kakishev's lectures on the history of literary criticism opened the world of eloquence and oratory to students. Famous professors Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, Rymgali Nurgaliev, Alma Kyraubaeva trained several generations of prominent writers.
The training of philologists is only one of the fundamental scientific directions, which continues to develop successfully today. Our university is famous for its scientists in all branches of science. In chemistry it is Batyrbek Beremzhanov, mathematics - Askar Zakarin, in the field of mechanics - Umirbek Dzholdasbekov, historical science - Ermukhan Bekmakhanov, pedagogy - Tolegen Tazhibaev, linguistics - Ismet Kenesbaev and Maulen Balakayev, biology - Temirbai Darganbaev philosophy - Agyn Kasimzhanov, journalism - Temirbek Kozhakeev and Tauman Amandosov, jurisprudence - Sultan Sartaev and Salyk Zimanov. In the field of international relations - Zharas Ibrashev and Gulzhaukhar Zhanbatyrova, economics - Kopzhasar Naribayev and Yakhiya Aubakirov, oriental studies - Leninshil Rustemov and Marziya Mazhenova and others.
It should be added that Tolegen Tazhibaev, Askar Zakarin, Umirbek Dzholdasbekov, Meirkhan Abdildin, Kopzhasar Naribayev were rectors who headed our university in different years.
Many modern scientists who listened to lectures of KazSU legends in their students, worthily continued the work of teachers in various fields of science. And today they contribute to the training of competitive scientific personnel and specialists.
“Within the walls of the university, you must train not only qualified specialists, but also individuals who meet the requirements of the time,” Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev instructed Elbasy during one of his visits to KazNU.
The President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has set the task of ensuring the high quality of higher education in the country. “It is necessary to make education competitive at all levels, to overcome the academic backwardness of children from socially vulnerable groups,” emphasized the Head of State. “The education system should prepare worthy citizens with the amount of necessary knowledge that will be used for the good of the Fatherland.” He also instructed to ensure a close relationship of allocated state grants for universities with the real needs of the market, to take appropriate measures, while further strengthening the responsibility of universities for violations of academic integrity and corruption offenses.
The university staff and students are today united by the implementation of the main tasks set by the Elbasy and the President of the country.
If we go deeper into history, then the development of KazNU received a new impetus during the period of gaining independence by Kazakhstan. Already in those years, the university was given the task of taking a worthy place among the world leaders in higher education. During the formation of Independence, one of the significant events was the assignment of the name of the great scientist Abu Nasr al-Farabi to our university. The next significant historical event for the university was the assignment of national status and the acquisition of independence: in 1993, by the Decree of the President, the Kazakh National University received the status of an independent, self-governing, state higher educational institution. And in 2003, in the Italian city of Bologna, KazNU signed the Magna Carta of Universities. And thus, he was the first among the universities of Central Asia and Kazakhstan to enter the European educational space.
In subsequent years, with the introduction of international requirements for personnel training, our university introduced a new multistage system. Currently, KazNU is training according to the system "bachelor's - master's - doctoral - postdoctoral studies".
The next stage in the development of the university is associated with the tasks set in the state strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". In this regard, KazNU has developed a program for transformation into a world-class research university, which is being consistently implemented. So, in the national ratings we occupy leading positions. This became possible due to the glorious history of the development of the university, the high level of competitiveness of teachers, scientists and students.
This year KazNU named after al-Farabi moved to a non-profit joint-stock company. A board of directors has been formed, headed by the Minister of Education and Science, and includes well-known experts in the field of science, economics, political science, sociology, business, and media.
The university introduces advanced technologies of corporate governance, developed a promising model of corporate governance, and also began to optimize business processes for their subsequent digitalization. These processes are a natural result of the joint work of the academic community and the Ministry of Education and Science.
Today the university has significant potential for solving strategic country and international problems. More than 500 educational programs are being implemented, including joint programs with leading universities in the near and far abroad.
Taking into account global trends, KazNU introduces new programs and begins admission to such programs as "Neuroscience", "Creative Industries", "Digital Economy", "Environmental Engineering", "Media Communications", "Data Science", "Digital Archives and Records Management "," Intelligent control systems "," Nanomaterials and nanochemistry ".
The country is consistently expanding the academic freedom of universities, allowing them to independently determine academic policy, introduce innovative educational technologies to improve the quality of education and the competitiveness of graduates. Starting this year, KazNU, like all universities in the country, will issue a diploma of its own type. Of course, this increases the responsibility of each university in the recognition of its diplomas.
Our students are always at the center of the university's development, so one of the priorities is their social support. Today, over a thousand students of "excellent" and "good" students from among socially vulnerable categories receive a discount on tuition fees from 10% to 25%. Along with the scholarship received from the state, sponsorship funds for gifted students are actively attracted. More than 50 organizations and companies are among our sponsors.
Special attention is paid to the safety and comfort of our students and staff. Electronic access systems have been introduced in all educational buildings and hostels, a modern video surveillance system has been installed. We plan to create a fully digital university and a smart campus.
Particular attention is paid to the development of the personnel potential of the university. As part of the academic policy, we orient our colleagues to the use of advanced educational technologies, to actively participate in fundamental and applied research. And at the same time, take part in socially significant events at the city and country level. Today scientists of international level from leading universities of the USA, Europe, Great Britain work in KazNU, such as Ualbai Umirbayev and Bazbek Davletov.
Much attention is paid to the integration of our teachers into the international community. At the initiative of the Head of State, annually 500 Kazakhstani scientists will receive an opportunity to undergo foreign internships. The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate 1,000 grants for young scientists for research under the Zhas Galym project. Our university will take an active part in these competitions.
KazNU is the largest university in Kazakhstan, which trains 25,000 students from all regions of the country, as well as from countries of near and far abroad. A unique intellectual potential is concentrated in our university: more than 2,000 highly qualified teachers work at the faculties, the degree of degree is 81%. Among them are more than 1,000 doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors, famous academicians and laureates of state and personal prizes.
Al-Farabi KazNU is a classic multidisciplinary university that combines education, science and innovation. The university annually carries out more than 500 scientific projects on the most important priorities of the country's scientific and technological development. We have prepared a book in two parts, which presents innovative technologies and science-intensive products of our university.
The total budget of ongoing projects for grant and program-targeted financing over the past three years is more than 7.7 billion tenge. In general, our scientists have received more than 400 patents and copyright certificates. They are actively involved not only in Kazakhstani, but also in large international projects.
One of the main criteria for assessing the quality of teachers' activities is publication activity. This indicator of professors and scientists of KazNU is one of the highest in the country and the region. So, every fifth Kazakhstan publication in the rating editions belongs to the scientists of KazNU. In 2020, our university was awarded three nominations of the "Leader of Science" award from the most authoritative Web of Science database. Five scientific journals of KazNU are included in international databases. The total Hirsch index of our scientists was more than 2,700.
To support the initiatives of young scientists, the competition "The best young scientist of KazNU" and the student conference "Farabi Alemi" are held. Annually, about 15 employees become holders of the state scientific scholarship for young talented scientists.
For comparison: Al-Farabi KazNU in 2020 held the Republican student subject Olympiad in 31 specialties, in 2021 - in 32 specialties. More than 700 students from different universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad. As a result of the Olympiad, 200 university students were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For the competition of the best student innovation projects, student business incubators in the framework of the international scientific conference "Farabi Alemi", students presented over 60 innovative projects. As a result of the competition, 9 best projects were selected, which were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes.
Innovative projects are being successfully implemented and more than 10 high-tech industries for the production of small-scale products have been created. Our scientists are also actively involved in the prevention of COVID-19. Thus, a low-tonnage production of medicines based on local plant raw materials and the production of disinfecting detergents have been organized. Together with the British company AVEVA Group plc, the Engineering Design Center was created, which became the first representative office of the company in the Central Asian region.
The brand of KazNU in the field of education deservedly enjoys authority and respect. The largest universities in foreign countries and the CIS refer to the experience of our university. More than 400 leading universities in the world are our partners.
According to the results of the subject ranking QS World University Ranking by Subject 2021 KazNU named after al-Farabi improved his performance and strengthened his position. The ranking was attended by 1,200 universities in the world in five subject areas. Compared to last year, KazNU in the discipline "Arts and Humanities" rose from 277th to 156th place, "Social Sciences and Management" - from 351st to 257th place, demonstrating progress. And in the specialty "modern linguistics" KazNU took 52nd place among the best universities in the world.
The QS World University Ranking by Subject methodology is based on four main indicators. These are academic reputation and reputation among employers (based on global surveys of scientists and employers conducted by QS), number of citations per publication and h-index (based on information from the Scopus database). The rating was compiled on the basis and taking into account the opinions of more than 95,000 subject academic experts, 45,000 employers, as well as data obtained from the Scopus database.
It should be added that one of the major achievements of Kazakhstani science and scientists of KazNU should rightfully be called the development and launch into Space of nanosatellites "Al-Farabi-1", "Al-Farabi-2".
Recently, the President of the country, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, signed the Decree "On the National Priority of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025", which is an instrument of the new system of state planning. The nationwide priorities in three key areas - the well-being of citizens, the quality of institutions and the creation of a strong economy - define 10 specific tasks. We are talking about reform in ten areas: a fair social policy, an effective and affordable health care system, quality education, an effective and fair state to protect the interests of citizens, a new model of public administration, the values of patriotism, strengthening national security, creating an innovative diversified economy, active development of economic and trade diplomacy, as well as balanced territorial development.
The national priorities approved by the Head of State include quality education, patriotism, and popularization of values. The source of patriotism is solidarity and mutual understanding.
Our university implements a set of measures designed to instill in students a sense of patriotism, a desire to participate in the political life of the state. Kazakh National University will contribute to the further strengthening of the country's independence by fundamental achievements. Today, in the age of high digital technologies, each student must deeply study the fundamental sciences, master useful and valuable skills, and possess the necessary competencies.
A lot can be said about the achievements of the KazNU team. These are the results of many years of work by all teachers, scientists, employees of the country's leading university. Starting with those who in the 1930s stood at the origins of the formation of the university. This is the fruit of the work of thousands of scientists who have worked in a team for 87 years. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and the status of a scientist. It is necessary that the teaching staff speaks about themselves with pride and dignity - “teacher of KazNU”, “professor of KazNU”. I think for this, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the level and quality of life and activities of teachers and scientists.
We pay special attention to the development of the personnel potential of the university: starting from March this year, the salaries of teachers and staff have been increased by 20%. This measure is aimed at providing social support to workers and improving their well-being, as well as increasing the prestige of the teaching profession. Similar steps to support the staff of the university will be taken in the future. I will add that for teachers and professors of KazNU, the housing issue continues to be quite acute, many have long been in line for an apartment.
Modernization of the material and technical base is also one of the main vectors of the university's activities. Our university has 18 educational and laboratory buildings and 17 student dormitories for 6,000 places. Most of the buildings require modernization, so in the future we plan to solve this pressing problem on the basis of social partnership.
Respect and honor the wonderful traditions of the team, combining them with new principles and modern requirements, to strengthen the reputation of KazNU, making the university famous in the countries of near and far abroad, is one of my goals. Currently, work is underway to determine the main priorities for 2021–2025. In general, the team is committed to solving strategic tasks on a national scale and the further development of the university.
To the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the university staff systematically goes with significant achievements, a unique image and an effective style of work.
Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University