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At the online meeting of the Academic Council of KazNU named after Al-Farabi discussed the results of the university's activities, reflected in the indicative plan for the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as the results of the ranking of the teaching staff, departments and faculties.
The leading university of the country successfully operates a system of indicative planning, where target indicators are clearly defined - indicators in all areas of the university's activities. The rating system is a tool for assessing the performance of teaching staff, departments and faculties. The system of indicative indicators is effectively used to conduct a detailed SWOT analysis of work at the level of departments and faculties, and to develop plans for improvements on its basis.
A detailed report on the implementation of indicative indicators for the 2020-2021 academic year was presented by the director of the Center for Strategic Development G.S. Minajeva.
3176 teachers participated in the ranking for the academic year 2020-2021. According to the results of the year, the three leaders in the ranking of the university were determined - leading scientists and professors of KazNU: K.K. Davletov (39 413 points), A.A. Isakhov (22313), T.S. Ramazanov (8602), S. Allahverdiev (6277). A qualitative analysis showed that 18 teachers scored above 4000 points, 21 teachers more than 3000, 20 teachers above 2000. The average score in the university is 248.
In her presentation, the speaker also summarized the results of departments and faculties on the main indicators of work: educational and methodological, research and social and educational work. Despite the noticeable positive dynamics and success of the departments, there is a large reserve for work and further improvement of indicators aimed at the strategic task of transforming the university into a world-class research university. To this end, the meeting of the Academic Council made a decision: vice-rectors to take specific measures to further promote the university in international rankings, to deans and heads of departments - based on the results of the ranking of teaching staff, departments and faculty, to develop a roadmap to bring the values of indicators closer to the indicators of international ratings, and also to strengthen work to attract foreign students, leading foreign scientists and professors.
Further, the director of the Center for Sociological Research and Social Engineering, Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work G.S. Abdirayimova, reporting to the meeting on the results of sociological monitoring of the educational activities of the university in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Monitoring of the quality of education is a comprehensive assessment reflecting the degree of compliance of educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations of students. This year, during the monitoring, the emphasis was made on the analysis of distance learning, social mood and perception by students and teaching staff of changes in working conditions, assessment of student satisfaction based on the QS University Rankings Methodology (Student Satisfaction).
In total, 227 teachers took part in the survey, who assessed the work of 1397 of their colleagues. The work was highly appreciated: 1163 teachers (83.53%) - from 5.0 to 4.6 points, 185 teachers (13.24%) - from 4.5 to 4.0 points.
According to the results of the monitoring "A teacher through the eyes of a student", the work of 86.65% of teachers was generally well assessed - from 4.99 to 4.0 points.
In conclusion, the speaker proposed to issue a resolution prescribing the departments: to ensure in the 2021-2022 academic year the participation of the teaching staff in the survey "Teacher through the eyes of colleagues" (March 2022); participation of students in surveys: "Teacher through the eyes of students" (November 2021 (1st semester) and March 2022 (2nd semester), etc. The Competition Commission is recommended to take into account the results of this work when holding a competition for filling vacant positions of teachers, heads departments and deans of faculties.
At the meeting of the Academic Council, the provisions on the dissertation council and the composition of the dissertation councils of the university were also discussed. Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities T.S. Ramazanov, recommendations for the publication of monographs by university teachers, as well as the work plan of the Academic Council for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU