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In KazNU named after Al-Farabi, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the State Institution "Kazselezashchita" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the NJSC "Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi ". The document was signed by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU Zh. Tuimebayev and Chairman of the State Institution "Kazselezashchita" K. Kokrekbaev.
The parties noted the main tasks of bilateral cooperation - the creation of favorable conditions for the exchange of ideas, information and technologies, the organization of joint research within the framework of agreed priority areas and programs. This memorandum will provide an opportunity to carry out joint activities in educational and research activities and improve the qualifications of employees, as well as implement new developments and projects.
The head of the university stressed that using the broad capabilities of the University's Earth Remote Sensing Center, specialists will be able to obtain accurate data and prevent dangerous natural and man-made phenomena in all industries, thereby minimizing risks in emergency situations. With the help of remote sensing, specialists within the framework of the memorandum will work on the draft Road Map "Comprehensive plan for ensuring the village, landslide and avalanche safety 2020-2022." During the meeting, an emphasis was also placed on organizing an automated monitoring system for hazardous areas and moraine-glacial lakes using GIS technologies.
As the chairman of the State Institution "Kazselezashchita" K.N. Kokrekbayev, the activities of Kazselezaschita are associated with ensuring reliable protection of the population, economic facilities and the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the impact of hazardous natural phenomena (mudflows, avalanches, landslides). Mountainous regions occupy about 15% of the country's territory. A large number of settlements are under threat, including the city of Almaty, Shymkent, Taraz, Esik, Talgar, Kaskelen, Sarkand, Zharkent, Tekeli, Merke and others (more than 150). More than 4 million people live in the zone of possible negative impact from hazardous phenomena. Therefore, the memorandum signed at KazNU named after Al-Farabi will be of great benefit not only to society, but also to the country.
Press service of KazNU named after Al-Farabi