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The leadership of the National Scientific and Practical Educational and Health Center "Bobek" in Almaty sent a letter of thanks to the head of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, in which they expressed their sincere gratitude to the teachers of the university for the comprehensive support of the republican scientific online competition of schoolchildren in astronomy and space physics named after ... Tuken Omarov.
General Director of "Bobek" E. Sakenova in her letter noted the professionalism of KazNU teachers: Gulmira Yar-Mukhamedova, Nursultan Doszhan, Ibraev Gulama-Garip Alisher, Mukagali Kalambay, Saltanat Imankulova, Meiramgul Alpysbay. It was said that the event achieved its goal, namely the popularization of science and the improvement of the level of knowledge of the pupils of the RK schools in the field of astronomy, space physics and cosmonautics.
The management of the observatory of the RGKP NNPOOC Bobek "thanked the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi for the assistance and expressed confidence in the continuation of bilateral cooperation in the future. E. Sakenova wished the university staff new victories and professional achievements.
It should be noted that 120 people took part in the Republican scientific competition among schoolchildren. Young astronomers and cosmonauts are students of grades 7-11 and team leaders from 8 regions of Kazakhstan, the cities of Nur - Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.
As noted by the professor of the physical and technical faculty of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University G.Sh. Yar-Mukhamedova, the participants demonstrated excellent knowledge and skills, ingenuity and resourcefulness, competing in the Competition of Scientific Projects and the Republican Qualifying Olympiad in Astronomy and Space Physics. “It is not excluded that the guys in the future will become talented scientists who will make the glory of the country's science,” said the professor of KazNU.
The jury consisted of famous scientists-astronomers and physicists of the country: chairman of the jury, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific activities and international relations of Taraz regional university named after M.H. Dulati N.A. Beisen, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences , Professor of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, KazNU named after Al Farabi G.Sh. Yar-Mukhamedova, as well as a leading researcher of the Astrophysical Institute named after V.G. Fesenkova V.M. Tereshchenko, senior lecturer at KazNU, researcher at the Astrophysical Institute named after V.G. Fesenkova M.T. Kalambay and others.
32 scientific projects in astronomy and space physics were presented at the competition. This year, excellent results were demonstrated by representatives of Kostanay, South Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan regions and specialized schools in Almaty and Nur-Sultan.
According to the senior teacher of KazNU KTTiNF M.T. Kalambay, an event with the participation of schoolchildren from several regions of Kazakhstan was held at the highest level. “It was pleasant to evaluate the scientific work of schoolchildren and their level of knowledge in the field of astronomy. The tournament was held in two stages: solving problems in the form of an Olympiad and presentation of scientific papers. The first stage demonstrated the level of students in the field of general astronomy and space physics. And the presentation of the works showed their in-depth knowledge of subjects, ”said KazNU teacher MT Kalambay.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU