


This year the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the 30th anniversary of independence. The jubilee is always a time for summing up the results and defining the tasks and main directions of the country's further development.

As state and public figures emphasize in their speeches, representatives of various layers of civil society in Kazakhstan, domestic and foreign researchers, the Leader of the Nation - Elbasy N A. Nazarbayev. In his book “Times and Thoughts”, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev wrote: “The independence of Kazakhstan is not a gift of fate to the Kazakhs, but a well-earned right to build their statehood on their ancestral land. Today we are a successful state with our own face, specifics and development path. Our main achievement is the building of an independent Kazakhstan. Without a deep feeling of love for your country and genuine patriotism, there is no real citizen, a real person ... To be a patriot is not just to be proud of our Kazakhstan, but first of all - not to spare yourself, defending the interests of Kazakhstan, to work for its good ”.

As the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K-Zh.K. Tokayev noted at the first meeting of the State Commission on preparation for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “We must celebrate the 30th anniversary of Independence with concrete deeds and projects in which improving the well-being of people is the main the goals of all our efforts. "

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemelovich Tokayev noted the successes achieved by Kazakhstan during the period of independent, sovereign development and set specific tasks for the development of the state and civil society in the modern period. In particular, the President noted the special role of youth in the development of the country's creative potential. “Today, Kazakhstan is successfully promoted at the international level by our young scientists, singers, musicians, actors, designers and representatives of other creative professions. It is also important for us to focus on the involvement of young talents in the development of the country. Each of them should feel their involvement in the successes of the Motherland, feel pride in its achievements, "said President K-Zh.K. Tokayev in his speech at the first meeting of the State Commission in preparation for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Al-Farabi KazNU is the flagship of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which future builders of an independent, economically developed, modern state, directed to the future, gain knowledge. Al-Farabi KazNU from the moment Kazakhstan gained independence has made and is making a huge contribution to strengthening its economic foundation, to the development of state institutions and democratic processes in society.

For many years at the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi KazNU, such well-known scientists - classics of legal science who made a huge contribution to the development of the theoretical foundations and practice of the formation of Kazakhstan's independence, such as Academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.Z.Zimanov, S.S. Sartaev, G.S. Sapargaliev and others. Currently, the teaching staff of all departments of the Faculty of Law is doing a lot of work on training highly qualified personnel for law enforcement and other government agencies, on the formation of an effective civil service, on the development of legal science, on the formation of legal culture and legal awareness citizens.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Political, legal and economic issues of the formation of state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: history and modernity ”, Which was attended by statesmen, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of state bodies, famous scientists, prominent representatives of the scientific community of Kazakhstan. In the speeches of the conference participants, the analysis of the history of the formation and development of the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, the problems and prospects for the further progressive development of the state and civil society were investigated.

In his speech, the rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zh.K. Tuimebayev touched upon the historical aspects of the formation and development of the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He noted that the constitutional and legal consolidation of Kazakhstan's independence was laid down by three normative acts in the early 90s. The first such act was the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR dated October 25, 1990.

For the first time, the Declaration proclaimed that the Kazakh SSR is a sovereign state that voluntarily unites with other republics in the USSR and builds relationships with them on a contractual basis. Also, for the first time in the Declaration, it was declared about national statehood: "The Kazakh SSR is taking measures to protect, protect and strengthen the national statehood." It stated that the revival and development of the Kazakh nation and other nationalities living in Kazakhstan is one of the most important tasks of the statehood of the Kazakh SSR.

The declaration is the first act of the Kazakh SSR, in which the principle of separation of powers was proclaimed. The Declaration lacks a class approach to defining the social basis of the state. The concepts of "workers", "peasants", "intelligentsia" are excluded from the norms of the law. The people are proclaimed the only bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power. So, more than a year before the proclamation of independence, an act of a constitutional nature was adopted in Kazakhstan, which suspended the operation of the basic norms of the Constitution of the USSR and laid the foundation for independent, independent development.

On December 10, 1991, another act was adopted that made a significant contribution to strengthening the statehood of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On changing the name of the Kazakh SSR". Although this law was not called constitutional, it actually was such, since it amended the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR and the Declaration of State Sovereignty. The significance of this law is that the class basis of the state organization was removed from the name of the republic.

On December 16, 1991, the constitutional law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was adopted. This constitutional law proclaimed independence for the first time, and reinforced the elements inherent in an independent state: single citizenship, territorial isolation, an independent system of state bodies, an independent economic system corresponding to the status of an independent state, the presence of its own Armed Forces. Thus, Kazakhstan entered the world community as an independent state.

The Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.A. Mami spoke at the conference, who noted the importance of developing the institution of constitutional control for strengthening the sovereignty and independence of Kazakhstan. “All these years, the activities of the Constitutional Council have been aimed at the full implementation of constitutional values ​​... By its decisions, the Council has made a significant contribution to the formation of the current constitutional system, in which the state obeys the rights and legitimate interests of the individual. Theoretical models of its constituent elements, which characterize the form of organization, the structure of the state and society, have become part of everyday life. Over the past years, the Constitutional Council received over 200 appeals: from the Head of State - 26, from the chairmen of the Chambers of Parliament and its deputies - 78, the Prime Minister - 27, courts - 69 ”.

The Chairperson of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.N. Zhailganova drew special attention to the instructions given by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in her Address on September 1, 2020. Under the conditions of the State of Emergency and strict quarantine, the department worked at maximum speed, as the Head of State emphasized, and identified some acute problems. To solve them, it is necessary to improve and reform the institution of public service. In the current 2020, it is necessary to reduce the corps of civil servants by 10%. In the next 2021 by 15%. This reduction will optimize the work of state bodies and serve as a stimulus for strengthening the competence and professionalism of civil servants. Ultimately, this will make it possible to strengthen the introduction of the principle of meritocracy into the institution of public service, as a generally recognized global trend. It is necessary to form civil servants, at the stage of study in universities, such qualities as patriotism, courage and the ability to work with society.

Foreign guests also took part in the conference: Pierre Tifin - Deputy Director of the Institute for Research on the Evolution of Nation and State (IRENEE) of the University of Lorraine, Vlastimil Samek - Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications, B.D. Rysmendiev - Rector of the Kyrgyz State Law Academy. Foreign participants of the conference noted the achievements of Kazakhstan during the years of independence, as well as the important role of Kazakhstan as a partner in the international arena.

Held in KazNU named after Al-Farabi The International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was a fruitful platform for the exchange of views of various representatives of civil society on topical issues of the formation and development of the sovereignty and independence of Kazakhstan.



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of TGL, Constitutional and Administrative Law