


The results of the academic year were summed up at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The head of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, analyzed the achievements of this year and focused on important tasks.

The University today occupies a leading position in the national and world rankings. University scientists have reached great heights in the field of innovation and science, implemented large-scale projects. The rector noted that this is the result of the painstaking work of a large team, each employee of which has put their knowledge and skills into the overall result. Today 27 thousand students study at KazNU, about 6 thousand teachers work.

The main task facing the team is to improve the learning process, improve the quality of scientific research, develop innovations, popularize the scientific work of university scientists at the Kazakh and international levels. He noted that ways of creating comprehensive conditions for both students and professors and teachers of the university are being considered. To solve the accumulated problems and move forward, joint active work is necessary.

The meeting was also attended by a member of the board-vice-rector for academic affairs of the university Fatima Zhakupova and vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, etc. about. Tlekkabyl Ramazanov, who presented the main issues of the organization of the educational process and the development of the scientific direction to the attention of the team.

Today the leading university trains specialists in almost all fields. Training is conducted on 651 curricula, of which 119 were developed relatively recently. These programs have proven their relevance and are included in the list of state orders. However, Fatima Nadyrovna said that the programs will be revised and updated in anticipation of the next academic year. In her speech, the vice-rector spoke in detail about improving the quality and quantity of the postgraduate contingent, human resources, quality indicators and participation in national and international ratings.

Tlekkabyl Ramazanovich noted that in accordance with the development plan, the educational institution is carrying out systematic work. In his speech, the speaker highlighted key issues and proposals for financing fundamental science, innovative projects, the role of new technologies in the social development of the country, publication activity of scientists, citation rates, and training of scientific personnel.

At the end of the meeting, the head of KazNU analyzed in detail the main problems and tasks, wished the team new strength and energy in the new academic year, and without slowing down, returned to work.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU