


The top ten recipients of state grants in the country are headed by young scientists from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. This conclusion was made as a result of competitions for grant funding of young scientists for scientific projects for 2020-2022 and 2021-2023.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total number of applications received in the country for the competition of scientific projects for 2020-2022 is 1374, approved projects - 164.1034 researchers allocated 8,907,882 tenge. For financing in 2021-2023, 547 applications were received, including 151 projects approved. 2062 young scientists are actively involved in these projects. The total amount allocated for financing scientific projects of young scientists is 320 16 777 tenge.

In two competitions aimed at funding fundamental and applied research, 57 projects belong to young researchers from the Treasury. The total amount of research projects is 2 892 717 tenge. In second place with the 15th project KazATU them. Seifullin, the third place is taken by the ENU named after L. Gumilyov with 15 projects.

The work of the Treasury scientists on applied research - for the elimination of volatile organic compounds, the development of air purification by the method of photocatalytic technology (B. Oralbekov); Modeling in a complex system of rivers and canals of mudflows, rock-mud mixtures in case of dam failure, regular and emergency floods (A. Isakhov); Development of environmentally significant organic-mineral sorption materials for the purification of waters contaminated with metals and surfactants (G.Zh. Kairalapova); Development on the basis of SoC 5G digital radio modules and a station for receiving microwave signals (M.A. Ibraimov) are proposed as projects in priority areas of development of science and are being successfully implemented.

Note that within the framework of the implementation of grant funding for 2020-2022 projects of young scientists, according to the results for 8 months of 2020, 498 works of young scientists of the country were published. Including published works on applied projects - 255, on fundamental projects - 243. 184 works were published in foreign publications, 53 of them - Web of Science, 88 - in the indexed Scopus database. In addition, one patent was received for the project "Development of a technology for obtaining metallic manganese from manganese mines by the method of electrochemical leaching."