


Everyone wants to know what is happening in the country and abroad. And of course, we are trying, based on the knowledge that we have, to understand the reasons for the actions of public figures and people in power, and also ask ourselves why and how this happened.

Forecasts for future events are of great interest. Of course, there are people who have proved more than once that they understand politics much more than the bulk of the people. The science of the concept of a political scientist appeared thanks to the works of the world famous Aristotle. Later, knowledge from psychology and sociology and the vast experience of events that had already occurred began to join this science, by which it was possible to judge what would happen in the near future. History itself is the foundation of political science. All famous philosophers and many thinkers can be considered political scientists. Such a profession requires advanced logical thinking, objectivity, knowledge of history, sociology and psychology. A creative and successful political scientist has every chance of becoming a famous person, often sparkling with intelligence and knowledge from the TV screen and, of course, getting good money for advice from various prominent figures.

At present, the main thing in education is not the transfer of the amount of knowledge, but the teaching of competencies, the skills of capitalizing one's knowledge, the ability to quickly navigate in the knowledge system, as well as mastering the methods of self-education. So we draw conclusions from the above, and I would like to share information about the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science at Al-Farabi KazNU, namely about the Department of Political Science. The role of the Department of Political Science is to rationalize knowledge about politics, develop political science education, minimize political threats and challenges to society and the state in the context of current global trends.

Among the priority tasks of the Department of Political Science for the coming years is to increase the role of the Department of Political Science in providing scientific and practical assistance to the development of the main directions of state policy in Kazakhstan, through scientific discussions, expert assessments and the preparation of annual reports of the faculty on public policy issues.

The department has worked and is working on the provision and formation of an index of authoritative scientific publications that publish the results of research by domestic and foreign authors on the political system, the theory of politics, the history of socio-political doctrines, international relations. In addition, it refers to the implementation of professional expertise of draft educational standards, programs, educational and methodological literature on political science; supporting scientific activities and conducting scientific events; monitoring the needs of professional employment of political scientists; creation of innovative mechanisms uniting the political science community and representatives of other professional communities, increasing the competitiveness of the domestic political science community.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, which provides training in 10 specialties, implements double-degree programs with leading universities, joint training programs with leading foreign universities. Education at the university is conducted in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English), highly qualified teaching staff. The programs are aimed at facilitating the formation of creative thinking, obtaining information at a new qualitative level, and understanding systemic connections. The staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, namely the staff of the Department of Political Science, actively implements new educational methods, combines rich traditions and experience of political science knowledge accumulated over the period of its existence, uses new technologies and principles of the educational process.

Political science students have the opportunity to study within the framework of the academic mobility program at leading universities in the world. The department creates the necessary conditions for self-realization of the personality of students: meetings are held with prominent domestic and foreign scientists, politicians, round tables, scientific and methodological conferences, thematic curatorial hours; sports competitions in various sports; organized visits to cultural sites: exhibitions, museums, theaters. Famous scientists, brilliant teachers, professionals work in all 6 departments of the faculty. And also meetings with prominent domestic politicians are held, scientific and methodological conferences, round tables, thematic curatorial hours are held; sports competitions in various sports; carry out organizational work on visiting cultural sites.


doctor p.n., professor


1st year doctoral student

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science