
Innovation OMSystem-analysis system in Kazakh


Today, systems for monitoring information on internet pages are in demand. Because both the government and business are eager to learn how society treats itself. Specialists of the Center for data analysis and processing at the University have developed a project called Opinion monitoring system. The main advantage of this system is the ability to process data in the Kazakh language.
According to the system administrator of the Center for data analysis and processing, Chingiz Rabat, the rapid spread of social online services and the development of Big Data Technologies aroused interest in the use of data obtained from social networks in various areas.

– Today, the technologies of" social listening " and content analysis are gaining popularity. These services are mainly represented by foreign developments, linguistic dictionaries created in English, and they are poorly adapted to Kazakh and Russian. And the domestic Information System of opinion control OMSystem, developed by software specialists at our university, provides the following opportunities::

* control the information space and determine the scale of the problem;* know the opinion of the public and promptly comment;* evaluate users ' participation in the topic and determine whether key influencers have discussion topics that generate public opinion;* identification of informational reasons and their relation to them;* making the right management decisions;* analyze the dynamics of brand/event/event alerts;* assessment of the social well-being of society on the principle of the" litmus test".Instagram Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, Telegram, Youtube, Twitter, as well as accounts of popular bloggers, opinion sites, accounts of Opposition resources and individuals, social networks and accounts of akimats will be monitored by the new service OMSystem.
- Opinion monitoring system-a system for analyzing the opinions of users in the internet space about any news or event and identifying active users. Today, this is very important, because social networks are becoming a large-scale source. Because users express their opinion on any situation. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor all such information, – says Madiyar Tasbulatov, engineer-analyst of the center.
In his address to the people of Kazakhstan, our president K. Tokayev noted that "the implementation of the concept of a "listening State", which promptly and effectively considers all constructive appeals of citizens, is a common task for all of us." In this regard, the specialists of the center have developed and presented such a project to the public.

– I would like to note that there are no technologies for good understanding of the Kazakh and Russian languages. Our project can fill this gap. "I don't know," he said. In addition, we can provide statistics. For example, how many people watched one news, what popular groups exist, or how many people left comments. And in terms of demographics, we can find answers to questions such as how many of them are men, how many are women, and which regions are active. It is even possible to determine which social network users are active. There is a chance that everyone will notice consonants, such as the fact that everyone left a negative review of a particular event or said positive words. As a result, the customer determines how to act in accordance with what is happening, – says the engineer-analyst.

The most important thing is that the system will show the results of the analysis without coloring. According to the expert, you can not deceive the system, it always provides direct information. "One of the advantages is that all this work is done quickly. Your action is just to start the system and wait for the result," he says.
- At the same time, you can use the help of political scientists as experts. They can look at the reports generated in the system and draw conclusions. All this on a contractual basisyou do. For example, once you sign up for the platform, your email will receive analytics on the topic you want at a certain time. The system installed on the servers is always working and our team is ready to answer any of your questions, – says Madiyar Daniyaruly.
According to him, the OMS system was developed using the technologies of Social Listening, Machine Learning, Big Data and others.
- The system consists of three modules: the first is to search for news. As soon as you enter a topic, the system will automatically search for news from information portals and all social networks using keywords. Then its authors and reviews are collected and analyzed based on it. It can show people's positive and negative thoughts about a particular event,-says the expert.
This system can also make generalizations, such as whether the next idea is good or the next one is bad. According to representatives of the center, Parsers is a special module. It collects information from internet resources. In addition, there is a linguistic constructor based on artificial intelligence. He reads every word and analyzes the accumulated data. At the very end, the finished report is generated. And artificial intelligence determines how people perceive certain information. The received data is sent in edited form in PDF or Word format to the customer's email address.

For example, during quarantine, such an analysis was carried out by the data analysis and processing center. The coronavirus, which revealed statistics of information about pneumonia. But users have left few comments on such information. Specialists of the center also noted that in the test mode, orders were accepted from several clients.
When asked about competition in the market, the center's specialists pointed out that the OMS system has its advantages.
- Of course, there are such services. But we can say with confidence that the Opinion monitoring system is a fully functional system. After all, some of the other platforms that monitor social networks do not provide services in the Kazakh language. For this reason, our main advantage is that with the help of artificial intelligence, we can process information in the Kazakh language and draw conclusions. In addition, the Opinion monitoring system recognizes text on the image page. This is an excellent opportunity to conduct a full-fledged analysis of social networks, such as Instagram, where the main content is photos. Simple systems cannot read texts written on the surface of a photo. And the OMS system can read and analyze it, " M. Tasbulatov said.
As proof of this, we conducted an analysis of the current topic "drought in Kazakhstan" through the OMS system. Engineer-analyst of the Center for data analysis and processing Zhanerke Sundetova prepared a reporting report with the results of the analysis. As we can see from the document, in the period from July 1 to July 12, 2021, 165 entries and 393 comments were identified using the keywords drought, zasukha, selskoe khozyaystvo, etc. In particular, the texts had a positive key, and the comments had a negative key.
The demand for this type of service will continue to grow. For example, according to Fortune Business Insights, in 2027, the media monitoring market will reach 6 6.51 billion worldwide. In 2019, this figure amounted to 2.48 billion US dollars. Thus, on average, the market shows annual growth of 13.2%.