


The Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev took part in the live broadcast of the “Basta Nazarda” program on the “Almaty” TV channel and answered a number of questions. During the broadcast, the achievements of the country's leading university over the past six months, the results of the work done, the progress of preparations for the new academic year, current repairs of buildings and dormitories, the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process during a pandemic, and many others were discussed.

In the leading university of the country, despite the pandemic and quarantine, vigorous activity continues, the educational process is adjusted taking into account modern requirements, work is underway to transform KazNU into a research university. Over the past six months, there have been many positive changes in the work of the university. This year, the number of applicants to KazNU for state grants has increased 3 times. Enrolled in the magistracy - 1598. This figure is many times higher than last year. In general, 6440 students were admitted to the university. The number of holders of the sign "Altyn belgi" has increased, last year - 508 best school graduates chose KazNU, this year - 737. The university, together with foreign partner universities, has developed 119 new educational programs for bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. New specialties are in great demand not only among Kazakhstani, but also foreign students. Preparations are underway for the opening of four branches of KazNU abroad (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey).


To date, 14 out of 16 dormitories of the university have been repaired, major repairs have been made in the buildings of seven faculties. Two dormitories will be handed over to students at the end of September.


The management of the university pays special attention to the issue of increasing the salaries of teachers and staff, which in March increased by 20%. From the beginning of the new academic year, a teacher will receive 200,000 tenge, a senior teacher - 280,000 tenge, an associate professor - 330,000 tenge, a professor - 500,000 tenge. In addition, there is a surcharge for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Candidate of Science, Doctor of Science, qualification level. Also, bonus payments are provided twice a year.


Currently, the main development priorities for 2021–2025 have been identified. The KazNU team is motivated to work effectively to implement the strategic objectives of the further development of the university across the country and the world.


533 research projects are being implemented in KazNU. Thanks to the effective work of the university, investments from business and various international sources are attracted, as well as the results of breakthrough research and technologies are used, the achievements of university scientists at the world level are analyzed.

The university observes sanitary and epidemiological safety, all measures have been taken to ensure EDS in educational buildings, dormitories, library, buildings related to the university. From the beginning of the new academic year, access to all educational buildings and buildings, dormitories on the campus will be carried out through the "Ashyq" system.

The Al-Farabi KazNU approved a Plan with the main events dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which were reflected in the roadmap "Otyz zhyldyga otyz aptalyk". According to the Plan, the university hosted events dedicated to the history of Independence and the significance of the activities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the history of Kazakhstan. On the campus, the President's Park, the Garden of Scientists, and the Alley of Trees have been opened, and about 1000 seedlings have been planted.


The rector of the university also spoke about the sports life of student youth, about improving the social status of the teaching staff, young scientists, and also shared other plans.


Press service of KazNU