


According to the instruction of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev on increasing the salaries of teachers, by the decision of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, the salaries of teachers and scientists of the university were increased.


From the beginning of the new academic year, teachers will receive a salary of 200,000 tenge, which is 38% higher compared to last year. Senior teachers will be paid 280,000 tenge, associate professors - 330,000 tenge, professors - 500,000 tenge, the figures increased by 38% and 163%, respectively. It should be noted that universities are directly responsible for the training of professional personnel, and with the increase in wages, competition will intensify, which will allow the university to attract stronger teachers and specialists to work. In addition to competitive salaries, KazNU has a system of professional development and work to support talented youth. Today, the most qualified and strong personnel are selected on a competitive basis for the teaching staff of the university.

By order of the rector of KazNU, authors who publish articles in the journals of the Scopus database twice a year will be awarded monetary rewards. So, for six months of 2021, 234 such authors were paid in the form of remuneration of 74.8 million tenge. Also, teachers who post articles in prestigious republican popular science newspapers and magazines will be paid special bonuses twice a year.

In addition, according to the indicative plan of the university, points are provided for published textbooks, monographs and books of academic teachers and methods of awarding prizes are considered. At the same time, all conditions have been created for scientists and teachers, measures are being taken to eliminate overload, everything is being done so that they can concentrate on the educational process, pay more attention to research work and the quality of students' knowledge.

Recall that in February this year, by order of the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, the salary of all teachers and staff of the university increased by 20%. All these measures are aimed at improving the quality of education, social support for teachers and increasing the prestige of the university.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU