


Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev received Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Yasawi, professor of Marmar University Mukhitdin Shimshek.


During the meeting, the rector noted that due to the historically close cultures and traditions of Turkey and Kazakhstan, KazNU is ready for further development of cooperation between universities. Zhanseit Tuimebayev also spoke about the activities and achievements of KazNU, which is the leader in national ratings and occupies 175th place in the top 200 universities in the world in the QS rating.

After expressing words of welcome and gratitude for the warm welcome, Professor Mukhitdin Shimshek spoke about the activities and plans of Ahmed Yasawi University. According to him, new specialties have been introduced at the university, courses have been opened for women, programmers and those gaining knowledge in the field of production and entrepreneurship. Agrarian faculty was opened at Ahmed Yasawi University this year, great attention is paid to equipping the medical faculty. The best professors of medicine from Turkey were invited as lecturers and practitioners to the Turkestan University. There is a clinic at the university where Turkish doctors share their experience, perform operations and other medical procedures. The guest of honor also noted the great merits and contribution of the rector Zh.Tuimebayev when he was akim of the Turkestan region, which gave impetus to the development of science and education of universities in the region.

During the meeting, the head of KazNU suggested bilateral cooperation in the development of medicine, to strengthen collaboration between teachers and students. The parties also discussed a number of other issues of fruitful cooperation.

In turn, Professor of the University of Marmara Mukhitdin Shimshek proposed to create a Center for World Turkology in Turkestan, including for the exchange of experience between teachers. In conclusion, the parties came to a common opinion and outlined plans for cooperation for the near future.


It should be noted that KazNU has signed cooperation agreements with 21 universities in Turkey, within the framework of which work is underway to implement large-scale joint projects and initiatives to promote the development of higher education.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU