
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School year! It is going to be a fantastic year full of learning and growing together!


All teachers want their students’ achievement levels to increase and Me too!

The greatest reward to me for my job as a teacher is seeing my students thrive and succeed! In the last academic year I was really very delighted to have great students in my English class, 101 group students majoring in Chemistry. The have completed the first course of their studies at the university and now looking back   they are giving an account of what they have achieved over the past year. Now the 101 group students are the second year students. They have tons of potential and are eager to learn, I’m sure they have a wonderful future ahead of them.

Dearest Kalamkas, Zhansaya, Shynar, Akkuum, Alua, Alua, Zhibek, Alina, Zere, Akbota and Olzhas, I wish you to stay positive, try your best in everything you do and have an amazing academic year!!!


Akylzhan Shynar: 

The first year at the university has passed so fast! I can definitely say that I have improved myself in many aspects. For example, I learned a lot from my English teacher, and my oral English has appreciably improved. Special thanks to my English teacher, because "Yes, I can" club meetings, which she organized monthly have made my personality a lot more cheerful. I participated in the international scientific conference "The World of Farabi studies. In my sophomore year, I will continue to work hard to become an outstanding expert in my field in the future.

Altruova Alina: 

What have I achieved? What did I learn? Yes, I keep asking myself these questions. One year is not a short time. But it has passed so quickly! Well, I got acquainted with the new environment. My future specialty is chemistry. I learned the value and importance of knowing a foreign language. I expanded my knowledge in English and learned a lot from my teacher

Baizulla Akkuum: 

I have completed the first year of my studies at al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Due to the quarantine, many of the students did not particularly feel the study in the usual format. But despite this, my first year at university was very productive and interesting. And I finished my first year at the university very well. In addition, I have participated in many activities related to my studies. Also thanks to the English Speaking Club «Уes, I can» I have improved my English, met other students of other universities, exchanged information, discussed global topics and many interesting things.

Borantai Akbota: 

This year I am a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Kazakh National University. We studied the first course in online format. English was online during the year. Although we studied online, we had the opportunity to participate in the club "Yes, I can". Thanks to this club, we met with students from many cities and universities. We learned to express our opinions on various topics and listen to the opinions of other students. I finished the first course with good grades. I would like to thank the teachers who taught me in the first year.

Balkybek Olzhas: 

I learned a lot in my first year, especially I have bettered my English and, of course, chemistry. Meet many people. And I also realized that I should be diligent, hard- working and persistent. Now we need to study even harder and thanks to it only we can reach good resuls.

Bekova Alua: 

At the beginning of the year, I had problems with the English language. I could not express my thoughts freely, I had a small vocabulary. But over the past year, my pronunciation has improved, I was able to speak English better. Even if we studied online, it was not a problem for me. Many complain that when studying online, we can receive limited knowledge. But I think learning remotely was effective and everyone had to learn for themselves. During the year, I gained a lot of knowledge not only in English, but also in other subjects.

Karl Zhansaya:

The university life differs greatly from the school life. Here you are treated as an adult which means your education is your responsibility. You make more acquaintances and lot of new people appear in your environment. I think one of my achievements as a result of the first year studies is that I have improved my English. I had an excellent opportunity to better my fluency in English thanks to “Yes, I can” club meetings where we all made short presentations on different topics . I will not stop learning English in the future and I’m certain that if I work persistently I will achieve better results.


Eszhanova Zhibek

This year I completed the first year of my studies at university and moved on to the second without even noticing it. During the whole year, I changed my opinion about many things and I think have changed for the better. For example, in the first year, my ability to speak English has significantly improved. Participation in "Yes, I can" club meetings, which my teacher organized, helped me to become more sociable and open. I had an opportunity to practice my English, express freely my thoughts and ideas . Now I think my pronunciation has improved than it was before. We talked about various scientific topics and learned more about chemistry and different stories. And I am grateful to my teacher for that. In the first year, I also faced difficulties in my studies and this was a kind of test for me. But In the second year, In order to become a specialist in my profession in the future, I will continue to work hard and study diligently.


Esim Kalamkas:

Having enrolled in the university, I started a new stage of my life. I understood what changes could be waiting for me. Now I want to give an account for a year of my university life. Initially,one of my priorities was to study English, because I have plans to study abroad. What I liked most was that our teacher of English focused predominantly on the development of oral skills. Now I can boast that my conversational level has appreciably increased. Over the summer, I took up the theory. I understood that theory without practice and vice versa will not give the desired result. Then I started planning my every day. I built a strict schedule: when I sleep, get up, relax, study, play sports, spend time with my family, etc., following this schedule brought me a feeling of lightness and harmony with myself. To give yourself an account for each day passed is the same as your life is changing for the better. You can't stand in one place, and this year has just taught me this truth.

Nurlybek Zere:

Despite the fact that I studied English for eleven years, my level remained low. I think this is because I had no interest and motivation and when I entered  the university, again I had to learn English. At the lesson we spoke only English. In the beginning it was difficult, very difficult. But overtime I got used to it. We talked on different topics, participated in the debates. And in a couple of months my level of English improved. And I am very happy!


Toleubekova Alua:

So far I’ve achieved some of my goals. For example, I’m studying at such a respectable university like KazNU. And I am really proud of it. Also I’ve improved my English a lot this year. I wish I could recognize myself as an adult, but there are so many things that I have to do. That is why I am in progress. I mean, it is not bad to be in progress. Actually, it is the best part of our lives. Because we are growing, we make ourselves better than yesterday.  

In the end I wanted to say, that everyone can be proud of their achievements, BUT we should remember that from day to day we should be better as personality and professional!


Foreign language department teacher

Muldagaliyeva A.A.




Dear Students!

Welcome to "Yes, I can" club!

Put yourself in an all- English environment where you can practise your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills! We look forward to meeting you in our club meetings!