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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Republican Student Movement “Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan” (ASK), which is designed to facilitate an effective process of information exchange between organizations.
The ceremony of signing the memorandum was attended by the acting Vice-Rector for Social Development Aliya Masalimova and President of ASK Ilyas Tustikbaev.
During the meeting, the parties discussed areas of bilateral cooperation, which cover the issues of improving the updated content of education, the use of advanced methods in the organization of educational work, the formation of professional communities and the organization of network interaction in the areas of activity of the ASK, etc.
As Ilyas Tustikbaev said, today ASK members are included in many state commissions under ministries and various funds, accreditation commissions, including national rating agencies. Thanks to such support and collaboration, students at their level receive complete information, conduct monitoring and offer new ideas on behalf of student youth.
To date, ASK has already signed a memorandum of cooperation with 50 universities in Kazakhstan and is preparing to hold large-scale events at the international level, timed to coincide with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence.
ASK President Ilyas Tustikbaev proposed to hold an international gathering of student youth on the basis of KazNU. And about. Vice-rector Aliya Masalimova noting that KazNU annually holds an international forum "Men zhastarga senemin", dedicated to the Day of the First President N.А. Nazarbayev, supported the head of the ASK and suggested holding a number of events in November. Having come to a common opinion, the parties also considered the issues of interaction between student organizations and support for students' initiatives.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU