


The Foreign Policy Advisor of the Embassy of South Africa Peace Kennedy paid an official visit to KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The meeting discussed issues of cooperation, prospects for the development of bilateral relations and the organization of joint projects.


During the visit, Foreign Policy Counselor of the South African Embassy, ​​Mr. Peace Kennedy met with Acting the first vice-rector of Al-Farabi KazNU K.N. Mukanov. Addressing the guest of honor with a welcoming speech, the first vice-rector noted the importance of cooperation between the university and the Embassy of the South African Republic. He spoke about the fact that since 2015 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, a classroom named after V.I. Nelson Mandela.

“KazNU regularly organizes round tables, where it brings together world experts from academic circles, representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations,” stressed Kanatbek Mukanov. - In July of this year, a round table was held dedicated to the international day of Nelson Mandela as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Well-known public figures, representatives of the diplomatic mission and international experts took part in the open dialogue. The guest of honor was Nelson Mandela's granddaughter, Ms. Ndileka Mandela. "

In turn, Mr. Peace Kennedy thanked the leadership of the university for the warm welcome, expressing his joy that the classroom named after N. Mandela is successfully functioning. The embassy provided the university with photographic materials necessary for the work of the office. On behalf of the South African Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Ms. Kiitumetzi Saypelo Tandek Matthews, the adviser expressed proposals for the further development of cooperation: to consider the possibility of transforming one of the best universities in South Africa into a sister university of Al-Farabi KazNU, to hold a series of master classes, seminars on the implementation of scientific - an innovative SKA project to create the world's largest radio interferometer, as well as organize a lecture by Professor Robb Adams.


Summing up the results of the meeting, the acting First Vice-Rector K.N. Mukanov expressed his readiness to promote the strengthening of relations between the Embassy and the University, and also highlighted the topical aspects of scientific research such as astronomy, radio astronomy, space. Thus, joint work in the SKA project will contribute to strengthening cooperation in the field of science and education.


As a result, the parties came to an agreement to actively develop cooperation in the field of higher education and science, organizing promising joint projects. In particular, it was decided to continue working to promote the status of KazNU in the international rating, to carry out appropriate measures to prepare for the implementation of the SKA project, and also to work out technical details on organizing a lecture by Professor Robb Adams for KazNU students.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU