


The Day of Farabi University within the framework of the Alma Fest festival timed to the Day of the city of Almaty continues.

The leading university in the country approached the organization of festive events thoroughly. Festive events were held at the university today: sports, the Alma Fest fair, a book exhibition and an online gala concert "Almaty in my heart". In front of the university administration building, a colorful photo zone was designed, where students and guests of the event took pictures with pleasure and took memorable selfies.

Youth organizations took part in the festive fair Alma Fest. As part of the event, volunteers handed out T-shirts and caps with KazNU symbols to the guests. The guests of the festival were treated to delicious pilaf and aromatic apples. At the stadium of the sports complex of the university, gambling competitions, a beach volleyball and football tournament were held without spectators. The best players showed their capabilities and measured their strength. The most agile and strongest became the winners of the competition. The guests and students also visited the cinema, which was organized in the Al-Farabi library for 30 seats, taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological requirements. They were offered the film "Otyrardy Korgau" made by the film studio "Sag" and the cartoon "Trainee". The festival ended with an online concert "Almaty in my heart", where musical groups, singers and dancers of the university demonstrated their talents.

Youth organizations took part in the preparation of the festive event: the Trade Union of Students and Master's Students of the Sunkar University, the Kumek Public Foundation, the Student Bureau for the Bologna Process, the Zhas Otan Youth Wing, the Student Senate of KazNU, the Supreme Student Council, law and order, the club "Sanaly Urpak", the debate club "Altyn sapa", the club "ENACTUS", as well as the Student Scientific Society. The participants prepared presentations, telling about the goals and current projects of the organization they represent. The performances were accompanied by online broadcasting and video filming.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU