


Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev held a meeting with directors of research institutes, scientific and educational centers and laboratories of the university. The round table discussed the economic feasibility of scientific research and development of scientists.


In his current Address, the President of the country Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted the importance of scientific support for the activities of large domestic manufacturers. In his opinion, "the close interaction of scientists and business representatives will open up new opportunities for the introduction of innovations and ensuring economic growth, and science as a whole should work for the country's economy."


During the meeting with scientists, the main refrain was the idea of ​​commercializing the best projects of KazNU, which would bring income for the benefit of the development of science and education in the country. The rector noted that the university has great potential, which should be directed in the right direction in order to achieve significant results. A commercialization center has been created at the university, the activities of which must be intensified with the help of innovative developments and projects of university scientists. In the near future, KazNU plans to open an Archeology Center with the involvement of world experts to conduct excavations of ancient cities, which still remain unexplored and covered with a veil of secrecy.

It should be noted that today the university has a solid material and technical base. The infrastructure of the university includes 8 scientific research institutes of natural sciences, 6 institutes of social and humanitarian orientation and 12 research centers. Every year, the necessary scientific equipment, including office equipment, components and consumables, is purchased within the framework of research projects implemented through grant and program targeted funding. Over the past 3 years, about 200 pieces of equipment have been purchased for more than 300 million tenge.


During the meeting, scientists and professors Almira Kustubaeva, Oleg Lavrishchev, Zhumadil Baigunchekov and many others made speeches, who shared their opinions and made specific proposals for improving research developments and ways of introducing them into production. For example, the director of the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (NIIETF) Oleg Lavrishchev suggested expanding the capabilities of the institute and said that Samruk-energo is considering the possibility of introducing one of their technologies by KazNU scientists on their basis.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, instructed all heads of research institutes to analyze all scientific and innovative developments that can really be introduced into production and receive dividends from them for the development of science.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU