


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University donated valuable literature, books, monographs and textbooks to the scientific library of Bishkek State University named after K. Karasayev.


The two leading universities in Central Asia are successfully cooperating within the framework of an agreement that implies constant interaction with the aim of implementing joint projects, developing education and science.

With the assistance of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Kyrgyzstan, a donation took place to the library of the BSU named after Karasayev, a large number of books, including a complete collection of unique works by Al-Farabi, Abai Kunanbayev and other fiction and educational literature in Kazakh and Russian.

“To receive such a valuable gift in the current conditions is a great joy for the entire teaching and student staff of the university,” emphasized the rector of BSU, professor Abdilda Musaev. - We express our deep gratitude to KazNU and the Embassy of Kazakhstan. In the coming days, the books will be available in the reading rooms of our university. We look forward to continuing successful cooperation between our universities for the benefit of the development of the academic community and strengthening ties between our peoples "

Colorfully decorated, valuable editions have added to the library fund of BSU. For students, books that meet all the requirements both for external design and internal content will become a source of knowledge of oriental literature and culture, help expand their horizons, giving an idea of ​​the language, literature, history and culture of the Kazakh people.




Press service of Al Farabi KazNU