


The Al-Farabi Library hosted a leadership lecture on the topic "The role of modern youth in building and maintaining peace" with the participation of the representative of the UN Department of Global Communications and the head of the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan Vlastimil Samek.

The lecture was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Day of Peace (September 21) and the International Day for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (September 26).

And about. Vice-rector for social development of Al-Farabi KazNU Aliya Masalimova, presenting the guest of honor, noted V. Samek's 30-year experience in the field of international relations, economic diplomacy, communications and public relations.

KazNU was the first among the universities of Central Asia to join the program "Academic Impact" - UNAI in 2011. Since 2014, the university has been the head of the UN Global Hub and on its platform promotes the initiatives of Kazakhstan, which are aimed at solving the problems of sustainable development of mankind.

In his lecture “The role of modern youth in building and maintaining peace”, Vlastimil Samek emphasized the enormous importance of youth, which can fulfill its role in solving many pressing problems of this world, including environmental protection, economic and social development of the country. “One of the driving forces in world politics is youth. She has always been the bearer of progress. Young people of today have everything they need, including free access to information. Young people can always find out about what is happening in the world, freely discuss and ask questions. They can answer the questions of the head of state, politicians, professors and share their opinions with their contemporaries in other countries, ”said Vlastimil Samek, citing the initiative of the Pakistani human rights representative Malala Yusufzai and the environmental appeals of Greta Thunberg as an example. According to the lecturer, in order to build a sustainable future, the young generation must be equipped with the necessary skills. To change the world for the better, preserve peace and harmony, international organizations often turn to young people, since it is with their participation that innovations take place and innovative ideas appear. V. Samek gave examples from the history of the development of some countries and analyzed the latest events in Afghanistan. According to the lecturer, it is necessary to invest in the development of youth, and this will have a beneficial effect in all spheres of society. In conclusion, the students online and offline asked questions to the lecturer.

 The event was organized within the framework of the long-term partnership of the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi KazNU and the Representative Office of the United Nations in Kazakhstan.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU