


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in the Small Kurultai of Kazakhs "Zhagandanu Urkenietindegi Kazak Alemi", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, which took place in Turkey (Istanbul).

More than 100 representatives of Kazakh communities from Turkey and European countries from cultural institutions and universities of Kazakhstan gathered at a meeting of the Small Kurultai of Kazakhs. A productive exchange of views took place on the most interesting issues of the Kazakh diaspora abroad.

Within the framework of the kurultai, the "Exhibition of Knowledge" was held, in which KazNU named after Al-Farabi also took part. The exposition includes stands, video materials dedicated to the university, science, educational process, student life.

Within the framework of the event, cultural events were organized: the exhibition "Altyn tamyrly Atazhurt" together with Kazakhstani museums and universities, the opening ceremony of the park named after the famous athlete Mustafa Ozturk in the Bagdylzhar district of Istanbul. In addition, within the framework of the meeting with the Kazakh business community abroad, a documentary film "Alystagy aqaiyn" was shown and a gala concert was held with the participation of the academic orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments named after Tattimbeta Kazangapuly from the Karaganda region.



Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU