


Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Kanseituly Tuimebayev held a reporting meeting online and offline, announcing the results of the educational, scientific and socio-educational activities of the university for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akimat of Almaty and Bostandyk district, deputies of the Parliament, members of the Government, government agencies and embassies, rectors of universities, members of the Board of Directors of KazNU, prominent state and public figures, members of the Council of aksakals, teaching staff and university students, employers, as well as parents of students and media representatives.

The rector's report to the population contained a complete and detailed review of his activities, as well as an analysis of the main results for the reporting year and the program for further development.


The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev this year at a meeting of the Security Council noted that "Education should become our national idea for the next decade." The head of state, Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev, pointed out in his annual Address that "Kazakhstani education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, generate trends." The solution to the tasks set should be carried out taking into account the global pandemic and the changes that are taking place in the country and the world.

“Thanks to the history of the university, the high level of professionalism of teachers, scientists and students, the university has a global competitiveness,” the rector emphasized in his speech. - In the post-Soviet space, only two universities are included in the top 200 best universities in the world, this is Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (78th place) and KazNU named after al-Farabi (175th place). The University is the first and only higher education institution in the Central Asian region to receive "Five Stars" of excellence in the international QS Stars Rating System ".

The university pays special attention to the development of human resources. The staff of the teaching staff is 2.9 thousand people, of which more than 1.2 thousand doctors and candidates of sciences and about 350 doctors PhD. Among the university professors there are 10 academicians and 7 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences, 14 laureates of the State Prize in the field of science and technology. More than 400 teachers, or 20% of the total number in the country, are holders of the "Best University Teacher" grant.

Within the framework of the grant, the teachers underwent training at the leading universities in the world - Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley; participated in international conferences and published monographs and textbooks. Over 40 university professors have lectured abroad at universities in Hungary, Germany, Mongolia, France, USA, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and other countries.


In order to provide material incentives for teachers, salaries have been raised twice this year. The first increase by 20% was in February, the second was set from September 1 in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result, the minimum salary for a teacher is 285 thousand, for a senior teacher - 312 thousand, for an associate professor - 389 thousand, for a professor - 500 thousand tenge.

The university received about 7% of the total number of grant holders in the country. Along with Kazakhstanis, 2.4 thousand foreign students from 50 countries of the world study at the university. We set the task to increase the share of foreign students to 25% in 2025. To achieve this goal, branches will be opened abroad: Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia. Compared to last year, the indicator for attracting talented youth has grown 2.2 times. If last year the number of owners of the "Altyn belgi" mark was 508, then this year - 1058 or 2 times more. Our graduates are among the most sought after in the country and abroad. The average employment rate is 94%.


University graduates successfully work in all areas and provide serious support to today's students and the university as a whole. In 2021, the university entered the top 201-250 in terms of employability of graduates in the QS ranking of the best universities in the world. According to the indicator "The share of employed graduates" KazNU takes the 55th position in the world.

The university implements more than 650 educational programs, of which 120 are double degree programs in cooperation with universities in the USA, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Russian Federation, 92 educational programs are in English.


Updating of educational programs is carried out annually, taking into account promising trends in education. Thus, over 100 new educational programs have been launched this year. In the natural science and engineering direction: neuroscience, cyber physics, biological engineering, robotic systems, intelligent control systems, environmental engineering, natural and technological risks.

In the social and humanitarian direction: public administration and public safety, digital economy, creative industries, media design, media communications, smart city economy.

Particular attention is paid to the training of virologists. Together with the developer of the Kazakh vaccine, the Scientific Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, an educational program "Virology" was launched.

Today the university is the leader in the number of scientific projects and scientific publications in our country.


Every fifth Kazakhstan publication in the rating editions belongs to the university. Five scientific journals are included in international databases. The university is implementing about 500 research projects with a total budget of more than 7.7 billion tenge on the most important priorities of the country's scientific and technological development. Our scientists have received more than 400 patents and copyright certificates.

There is a support system for young scientists, a competition "The best young scientist of KazNU" is being held. Annually about 15 employees become holders of the state scientific scholarship for young talented scientists.


One of the priorities of the university is social support for students. Over one thousand students of "excellent" and "good" students from among socially vulnerable categories receive a discount of 10 to 25% on tuition fees. We also actively raise sponsorship funds to support gifted students. Among our sponsors are over 50 organizations and companies that provide scholarships for 650 students.


Students of Al-Farabi KazNU actively participate in the Kazakhstani and international sports arena. So, according to the results of the Tokyo Olympics, four bronze medals were brought to the country by our students and graduates.


KazNU them. Al-Farabi is a city of students. Young people from all regions of the republic study here. On the territory of the university campus, there is a whole complex for full-fledged education and leisure: a wonderful sports complex with a gym, grounds and sections, a student service center "Keremet", its own cinema, a network of reading rooms, a powerful library that provides students with the necessary educational literature, Internet cafe for 300 seats.

Currently, seven academic buildings have been redecorated by university staff without the involvement of external contractors. Major repairs are being completed in three educational buildings.


Despite the previous technical support, there are a number of issues requiring a systematic solution: major repairs are needed in many dormitories, the construction of new student houses and academic buildings, there is a need for additional classrooms and research laboratories of about 70,000 m2. In this connection, a radical modernization of the existing educational buildings and the construction of new ones are required. Over 2.5 thousand teachers and staff are in need of housing.


In order to address the above issues, a work plan for the development of the campus for 2021-2025 was developed, including: reconstruction and construction of hostels and educational buildings, construction of service housing. To address these issues, the university, together with the JSC "Financial Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is working to attract potential investors for the construction of hostels.

Summing up the results of the speech, the rector of the university Zh.Tuimebayev said:


“Currently, the university staff strives to address strategic objectives to improve the quality of higher education and science. Further development of KazNU will contribute to the growth of human capital and scientific and technological potential of the country. "

After the speech, the rector of KazNU answered the questions of teachers, students and the public. Following the meeting, the management took control of a number of issues, all proposals received during the meeting will be considered.

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU