


In KazNU named after Al-Farabi, the Olympic champion Eldos Smetov met with the Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev and the students of the university.

In his welcoming speech, the rector of the university congratulated the Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and graduate of KazNU, Eldos Smetov, on his victory at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. He stressed that students and teachers always follow the performances of athletes and root for them with all their hearts.

At the Olympic Games, excellent results were shown: Igor Son - in weightlifting, Nurislam Sanaev - in freestyle wrestling, Nurdaulet Zhumagali - at the Paralympic Games. “Each victory of an athlete is a great joy and great pride both for the country and for KazNU. This is a great example and motivation for our youth, ”said the rector.

The head of the university noted that the state has paid special attention to the development of sports and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for young people during all 30 years of independence. For this, the university has created all the conditions and established sports traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. All these years, our students have adequately defended the sporting honor of the country at the Olympic Games, World Championships, World Universiades, Asian and European Championships. KazNU has a sports complex, a stadium, a volleyball beach, indoor and outdoor sports grounds for students, a tennis court, etc.

In turn, Eldos Smetov thanked the leadership of the university for the warm welcome and his teachers for their support during studies and competitions. Speaking about his plans, the athlete said that he is preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games, which will be held in Paris. He also wished KazNU that in the future the strongest athletes appeared in the university, who would be able to bring new medals of the Olympic Games and World Championships to the treasury of the university. During the meeting with the rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and graduate of KazNU Eldos Smetova was awarded a medal - "Eren enbegi ushin".

Continuing the visit, the champion met with student youth, sharing the secrets of his sports achievements during the conversation. Eldos Smetov said that he entered the sport at the age of five and since then has overcome many difficulties before achieving results. Sport is a huge work and you need to properly manage your time. “If you don’t work out and miss a workout, it will definitely have a negative effect during the fight,” the athlete emphasized. - Therefore, you need to set specific goals and achieve them, no matter what obstacles you meet on your way. Time flies quickly and you need to try to achieve big goals, doing something useful for your country and family. "

During the conversation, the students asked their questions and received detailed answers from the famous athlete. The Olympic champion informed the guys that judo competitions among men and women will soon take place in Uralsk, where the winners will receive the prize of Eldos Smetov.

In conclusion, the famous athlete wished the students great success in their studies and sports.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU