


In the meeting room of the administration, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev with the teaching staff and scientists of the faculties of the social and humanitarian direction.

Kazakh National University, founded in 1934, over the years of independence, continuously developing and continuing the best traditions of large scientific schools, entered the top 200 best universities in the world and achieved great success.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, in his article “Independence is the most precious thing,” noted: “The turning point that we are experiencing obliges every conscientious citizen to think about the key questions:“ What have we achieved over these 30 years? ”,“ Which country will we leave future generations? "," What else needs to be done to strengthen our statehood? " To do this, we need to look back, critically rethink our path, fix our achievements and problems, define goals and objectives in order to continue moving forward with confident steps ”.

Speaking to scientists, the rector focused on the main topical issues, problems and prospects for the development of scientific research in the social and humanitarian direction at the university.

Scientific schools of KazNU have made and continue to contribute to the development of science in almost all areas of knowledge, including in the field of social and humanitarian sciences in economic and mathematical modeling, state regulation of the economy, the history of the Kazakh language, Farabi studies, Turkology, Arabic studies, Iranian studies, Sinology , Japanese studies and Korean studies and many others.

Currently, scientists of the social and humanitarian direction within the framework of grant funding for 2020-2022 on the priority "Mangilik El" are implementing 31 projects for a total amount of 842 million 511 thousand tenge, including 8 projects of young scientists in the amount of 301 million 473 thousand tenge.

In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021, the Head of State drew particular attention to the fact that: “In conditions of global instability and many new challenges, we need to strengthen our value orientations, to form a clear image of the future.” The head of state emphasized that "the Kazakh language is rightfully becoming the language of education and science, culture and office work." To solve the set tasks, a number of tasks were announced at the meeting. Thus, KazNU will develop and will conduct further research on the neural machine translation system of the Kazakh language. Will ensure the participation of KazNU scientists in projects and programs for the extended use of the Kazakh language: National corpus of the Kazakh language, the transition to the Latin alphabet.

On a systematic basis, events will be organized related to the popularization of the Kazakh language and the heritage of prominent figures of the Kazakh people through the scientific works of the Scientific Research Institutes and Centers of KazNU: "Institute of Abai", "Institute of Kipchak Studies", "Center of al-Farabi", "Center of Olzhas Suleimenov "," Center for the Study of Traditional Civilization of Central Asia ", laboratory" Geoarcheology ".

During the meeting, scientists also expressed their suggestions and opinions.

Discussing a range of issues, the rector noted the need to strengthen work on the implementation of research projects in social and humanitarian areas, the study of the English language and academic writing. Thus, the rector of the university set new tasks for the scientists of the faculties of the social and humanitarian direction.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU