


The best students of the country were annually awarded with scholarships from the Foundation of the First President. KazNU students, who are ahead of hundreds of students, receive financial support from the fund. In one of his speeches, the President expressed confidence to activists and scientists: "If our young people strive for science and education and think about the future of the country, we will have a bright future and independence."

Daniyar Shakenov, a 4th year student of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in sociology, and Liya Yugay, a 1st year student of a magistracy, are among the young people who received scholarships from the First President's Fund. We bring to your attention their thoughts on student life, university opportunities and continuous development.

Leah Yugai is a young man who has turned to science. He wants to be versatile. That's probably why he is an active athlete who does not miss city competitions and tournaments in basketball and streetball. In addition, he is interested in music, playing the piano, drawing, psychology. All this is beautifully combined with it.


"Compare yourself with yesterday, not with others"

- Scholarships from the Foundation of the First President not only encourage students to study, but also instill in them the qualities of organization and adherence to values. It encourages not only education, but also deeper research and discovery of the chosen scientific direction. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, especially the staff of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, supported and encouraged me in this competition. KazNU opens new opportunities for its students. This is important for young scientists. And I would like to say to the boys and girls who follow us, we must not be afraid to take risks and always move forward. Being active in student life will help you find your way forward. Trying in other areas without giving up any opportunity will help you to recognize yourself from another angle. In this regard, the Foundation is very active and supports students. So do not be afraid to develop yourself. Compare yourself with yesterday, not with others, - he says.

Daniyar Shakenov, who has been involved in various research activities since school, says that this experience has helped him to achieve many successes at the university. He won several prizes at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on behalf of the university as a team and at scientific conferences "Farabi World". Daniyar said that "today we need to be the driver that connects the future."


Provides incentives for young researchers

- I believe that the scholarship of the Foundation of the First President will help talented young people in the field of art and science to appreciate their work and achieve further success. Recognition of me as worthy of this award encouraged me to recognize the inner potential of society, to reach great heights, to feel my contribution to the prosperity of our country, to bear the responsibility. Our university is also very active in supporting young people in science. I believe that the huge database of KazNU, which corresponds to different areas of research, is a great incentive for young researchers. Participation in various Olympiads and competitions organized within the university, first of all, shows my desire to test myself and my efforts, as well as to prove that human potential is limitless, - he said.

Daniyar Shakenov also said: "The" social order "of modern society requires young people who are in demand, competitive, focused on continuous self-development and striving for self-improvement. That is why young people should always strive for self-development as a driver of a bright future and a modern world, ”he said. His advice to young people with high aspirations is as follows:

- I want young people who want to receive a scholarship to remember the "five values" of our grandfather Abai, which are called "demand, work, deep thought, satisfaction, kindness." Hard work and deep knowledge are the path to a bright future for our modern youth. I advise my contemporaries never to get tired, not to stand on their own two feet, but to strive for even greater heights. Because I am convinced that today's action will determine tomorrow's victory.


Camilla Duysen