


Answers to questions received at the reporting meeting

Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Kanseituly Tuimebayev


1. How long will the online training format last for 1 course? Online training until the end of 1 semester?

The format of online training depends on the epidemiological situation in the region and the corresponding decision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1st year students are transferred to online training due to the increase in the number of sick students and depends on the epidemiological situation in the region, as well as on the corresponding decision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Will you talk about the format of the study?

The format of training at the university is carried out in a mixed format (offline, online).


3. I have a question for you about opening a student organization associated with full economic activity. After all, I'm sure many will want to try to participate in the creation of presentations, speeches and all kinds of topics related to this specialty. I personally am a student of the Faculty of International Relations of KazNU, but as for me diplomacy, the study of diplomatic countries is closely related to the signing of various agreements on economic cooperation between different states. And I would very much like to create something like this student organization. After all, most students will be able to learn something new in this area and exchange experiences.


Thank you for your request. At the moment, you can contact the senior curator-adviser of your faculty about the creation of a student club of interests: Ermekbaev Adilbek Alpysbaevich (contact numbers: 87007715217, 87017715217)


4. Please tell me when can I send an invitation to Chinese students? Students at KazNU?


As practice shows, in recent years, the number of foreign students at Al-Farabi KazNU has grown significantly, including from China. During the pandemic, many foreign students decided to study online or in a combined format.

Today, after the decision to lift restrictions on the entry of foreign students into the territory of Kazakhstan for the purpose of studying for the 2021-2022 academic year and taking into account the epidemiological situation in Kazakhstan, the university began training in a traditional format in all areas of training in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Visa support for foreign students, incl. from China are drawn up individually at the request of the student with all the relevant documents by the Visa Department of the University, which sends a request to the Migration Service of the city of Almaty to receive an invitation letter. Registration of visa support can take from 5 to 30 working days. Also, a foreign student must have:

• certificate / passport of the full course of vaccination against COVID-19 confirmed by the authorized body of the country of residence;

• negative test result for COVID-19 by PCR method, obtained no later than three days after crossing the border of Kazakhstan.


5. Allow to open groups of one person?


According to the internal standard of the university, academic groups in the bachelor's degree are formed with a population of at least 20-25 people. In this case, a group of 1 student is not profitable.


6. Will we be able to get the necessary equipment to ensure the new specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production"?


The list of necessary educational and scientific equipment was laid down by the faculties in the preparation of the state investment project of the KazNU Development Program for 2021-2025. After the approval of this program and the allocation of funds from the republican budget, it is planned to equip the scientific and educational laboratories of the university with modern expensive equipment.


7. In the scientific world of natural sciences, specialized software comsol multiphysics is widely used to simulate physical and chemical processes. This software is widely recognized in the scientific community and the simulation results are accepted in all leading scientific journals. Can this software be purchased for the entire university (corporate version)?

List of required equipment, incl. and software, was laid by the faculties in the preparation of the state investment project of the KazNU Development Program for 2021-2025. After the approval of this program and the allocation of funds from the republican budget, it is planned to purchase modern equipment, including not only laboratory instruments, but also programs, licenses, etc.


8. When will international students receive an invitation letter?

Visa support for foreign students is issued individually on the basis of an application and the attached necessary documents (passport and vaccination passport) by the Visa Department of the University. After the application is formed for each student, the Visa Section sends a request to the Migration Department of Almaty to receive an invitation letter. This process takes from 5 to 30 business days, depending on the time the data is processed by the Migration Service.