


October 15, 2021 marks the 94th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor Sartaev Sultan Sartayevich.

S.S. Sartaev from 1955 to 2019 worked at the Faculty of Law at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (formerly Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov). Dean of the Faculty of Law (1960-1969); Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law; constitutional and administrative law; financial law (1977-1997). In 1990 - a member of the Presidential Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 1992 - 1995. - Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan XII and XIII convocations. He was a recognized authority among the Kazakh people, an orator, a tribune. In 1991, he was one of nine members of the first Presidential Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the history of Kazakhstan. This council was the highest Consultative body under the President of the Republic. From 1992 to 2007 - rector of KIPMO (Kazakh Institute of Law and International Relations).

Academician Sartaev S.S. made a significant contribution to the development of legal science in the development of legal problems of representative bodies of power and human and civil rights, in the training of highly qualified lawyers for law enforcement agencies and legal services. He had a great influence on the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state. He was the first scientist to substantiate the need for a presidential form of government for independent Kazakhstan. The academician scientifically substantiated and proved that the presidential form of government is optimal for the Republic of Kazakhstan. In doing so, he relied on historical facts and the historical roots of the khan's power in Kazakhstan. The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev highly appreciated the scientific activity of Academician S.S. Sartaeva.

Academician Sartaev S.S. was the author of the most important constitutional acts. These acts formed the legal basis for the formation of a sovereign Kazakhstan. Took part in the preparation of the Declaration "On the State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR" of October 25, 1990, the Constitutional Law "On the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of December 16, 1991, the first Constitution of sovereign Kazakhstan of January 28, 1993; the current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995, the Law on Citizenship of 1992, the Law on Languages ​​of 1993 No.

In his writings, S. Sartaev emphasized that freedom and independence are concepts that occupy a special place in the national consciousness of the Kazakh people. Since ancient times, in the minds of the Kazakh people, its natural craving for freedom, independence, justice, and equality has been strong. All this served as a guide for the coming generation. The vast expanses of the steppe, the very peaceful existence, firmly instilled a sense of will and freedom into the system of thinking, into the inner world of the psyche of our people.

Academician Sartaev S.S. - was an outstanding scientist, researcher of the Parliament as the highest representative body. Ideas about the legislative activity of the Parliament, about the requirements for the deputies of the Parliament were fully reflected in the works of S. Sartaev. As a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, S. Sartaev raised vital issues permeated with concern for the interests of the entire people and the creation of an effective system of public administration, the implementation of the principle of separation of powers, determination of the constitutional and legal status of the parliament as the highest representative and legislative body, creation of a mechanism for overcoming confrontation between the branches of government; creation of a professional permanent parliament. In heated discussions about the state structure, citizenship, the state language, Sultan Sartayevich from a high rostrum argued the need for the recognition of the Kazakh language as the state language. This provision is enshrined in article 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. With his active participation in strengthening the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the political and legal life of the country, Academician S.S. Sartaev made a huge contribution to state building.

Sultan Sartaevich trained several generations of highly qualified lawyers. Students and followers of the academician work in all government agencies and law enforcement agencies. In his articles and speeches, Academician S.S. Sartaev highlighted the path of formation of the state language, the legal status of the Presidential Republic and the legal basis for the return of Kazakhs living in various countries of the world and wishing to return to their historical homeland. The whole life of Academician S. Sartaev was devoted to sovereign Kazakhstan, legal science and legal education, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The memory of him will always remain in our hearts.


D.L. BAIDELDINOV Doctor of Law, Professor,

Dean of the Faculty of Law

A.S. IBRAEVA - Doctor of Law, Professor

Al-Farabi KazNU