


On October 29, the famous Kazakhstani scientist, philosopher, teacher Khasanov Marat Shamuratovich celebrates his 80th birthday. On the eve of the Jubilee, we would like to tell you about the life and work of this wonderful person. He was born in the difficult war years, in the fall of 1941 in the village of Ermolchevo, Kamensky District, Ural Region.

Marat Shamuratovich is a graduate of the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Education at Moscow State University was famous not only for the level of teaching, mentoring, democracy and openness of the teaching staff, but also for the high scale of requirements and responsibility. After graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy in 1970, having worked, as was customary, for about a year as an assistant at the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Scientific Communism at the ZKSHI, he entered the postgraduate course at Moscow State University. Its scientific advisor was Professor Archzhil Yakimovich Ilyin - an encyclopedically educated erudite and cheerful person, fluent in five languages. Khasanov M.Sh. in 1975 he successfully defended his thesis on the topic: "The problem of integrity in the light of development", which was further developed in his doctoral dissertation "Whole and part as a category of materialistic dialectics" (1987).

MSU graduate, candidate of philosophical sciences M.Sh. Khasanov, hired at the leading university of Kazakhstan, passed all stages at the department of philosophy of natural faculties of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (from 1975 to 1995): from assistant to professor - head department. Marat Shamuratovich made a great contribution to the training of philosophical personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences. After the collapse of the USSR, in the early 90s, the issue of socio-cultural identification of the people of Kazakhstan was acute, during these years Professor Khasanov came up with an initiative to hold in Almaty the first cycle of international symposia "East-West: Dialogue of Cultures" and an international seminar "Human mind in search of truth". He believed that these are the right steps towards self-identification of the Kazakh people, their integration into the world community. Later (in 1995 and 2001), the second and third international symposia were held. On the basis of KazGNU them. Al-Farabi and with the assistance of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan Hasanov developed an educational project of KazGNU - Oklahoma University, which received grant support from USIA (1994). Cooperation between these universities continues to this day.

Having decided on the goals of the education reform, Professor Khasanov in subsequent years headed a creative working group that prepared the draft "Concept for Humanitarian Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the National Council for State Policy (1994), on the basis of which the priorities of reforming the domestic education system for 1995 were determined. 2000 biennium

       To create, implement and test a new model of social and humanitarian education at the KazGNU named after Al-Farabi created the Center for Humanitarian Education, which professor Khasanov M.Sh. directed for two years. From 1995 to 2000 worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in this responsible position made a significant contribution to the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the best traditions of the world scientific community M.Sh. Khasanov for the first time held on the basis of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in 2002-2003 with the assistance of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, summer universities on education.

In 2003-2005. Marat Khasanov was the director of the Institute for Harmonious Human Development and Deputy General Director for Research at the Bobek Scientific Center.

During his pedagogical, scientific and state activities, Professor M.Sh. Khasanov made a great contribution to the development of the theory and practice of dialectics, philosophy of politics, culture and education. In these areas of philosophy, he has more than 84 scientific and educational works in Kazakh, Russian and English, gave reports in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Obninsk, Tartu, Oklahoma, Tallinn, Taipei, Berlin. So, professor Khasanov M.Sh. awarded the title of Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Professor Khasanov M.Sh. is the author of monographs: "Space of Kazakh culture", "Al-Farabi and modernity", "Kazakh madenietinin kenistigi", "Genesis and development of Kazakh civilization", "Kazakh philosophy: past, present, future", "Transformation of democracy: history, theory , practice "," Socio-cultural formation of modern society "," Kazakh philosophy "," Philosophy of Kazakh civilization "," Modern Kazakh philosophy "," Philosophy and history of philosophy of science ", etc.

The staff of the Department of Philosophy of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, students and colleagues sincerely congratulate Marat Shamuratovich on the upcoming 80th Anniversary and wish him many years of life and further creative success.



Candidate of Philosophy, Head. Department of Philosophy


PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy