


The development of the national digital economy requires the training of specialists in a new format. To solve this problem, a new educational program "Digital Economy" has been introduced at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the new academic year.

Students who first entered bachelor's and master's degrees in this specialty are currently studying at the Higher School of Economics and Business (HSE&B) of the educational institution.

"Digital Economy" refers to new specializations that are becoming more and more relevant in light of the accelerated transformation of the digital economy in the country and the world. According to forecasts of the development of the world economy and the global labor market, in the next five years, graduates will be in demand both in the local and in the global labor market, ”says Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business Leila Bimendieva.

The main regions of employment are not only professions related to the economy, but also many industries that require analytics and data reconciliation, artificial intelligence, banking and insurance. The competencies of future specialists are related to the ability to create mechanisms for the effective use of information resources and modernize business processes in both the corporate and public sectors. They allow you to simulate strategies and competitiveness at various levels of management based on information systems, quantitative analysis and interpretation of data, their integration and understanding of the features of the development of the infrastructure of the digital economy.

The main advantage of the program is that it is aimed at obtaining the practical knowledge required in the labor market. At the Department of Economics, which implements educational programs "Digital Economy", an extensive base of practices has been formed covering cities and regions of Kazakhstan. Various lucrative agreements with foreign employers are also offered for international students. Students can practice in consulting companies, international organizations, information and analytical departments of companies engaged in the collection and processing of information about market conditions, production technologies, as well as in investment, banking and credit organizations, private entrepreneurs and consolidate the acquired skills and knowledge in practice ... For example, these include CAIFC Investment Group JSC, Food SolutionsKZ LLP, Estate Capital LLP, Maslodel LLP, Sanzh Research Center, Gylym Ordasy Research Institute, KazNU Technopark, Park innovative technologies ", DAMU Fund, Neftpromstroy LLP, HIDELBERG Cement Services LLP, KPC ZETA LLP, Shymkentmay JSC, Central Asia Mining Co LLP, Sberbank JSC, Forte Bank JSC , LLP "KMG Parker Drilling Company" and others.

In addition, at present, negotiations are underway on cooperation between the HSE&B KazNU and the digitalization department of Almaty. This department is engaged in creating conditions for the implementation of Smart City projects, automation of public services, data management and the development of IT technologies. The memorandum will allow students and undergraduates of educational programs "Digital Economy" to undergo an internship and professional practice on the basis of this institution and will contribute to the employment of future graduates.

Leading scientists and experienced specialists are also involved in the educational process. The teachers emphasized that when developing educational programs, the best practices of countries such as Canada, England, Spain, France, Russia were carefully studied, and the requests and opinions of employers were taken into account. This approach makes it easy to participate in academic mobility programs in many universities around the world.

According to the United Nations and the International Labor Organization, jobs will decrease by 85 million by 2025. At the same time, 97 million new jobs are planned to be created through automation and revolutionizing robots. In 20 years, 65% of today's schoolchildren will work in industries that do not yet exist. Consequently, in accordance with the challenges of the 21st century and the demand in the labor market, the relevance of the educational program "Digital Economy" will increase over time.

The current contribution of the university to the acceleration of the innovative and industrial development of the national economy, the implementation of various state important programs, such as Digital Kazakhstan, the concept of Green Economy, Economy of Simple Things, Business Roadmap - 2025 and other projects will contribute to growth competitiveness of the country and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan.

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU