


At the authoritative International Scientific and Practical Conference "Media and PR in the Context of Digital Transformation", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan, they discussed new directions for the development of modern journalism, public relations, which arose as a result of digital transformations and the emergence of innovations.


The organizer of the large-scale forum was the KazNU Al-Farabi together with the Penza State University and the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn. The conference was attended by leading scientists from ten countries, recognized authorities in the field of journalism and public relations.

In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of KazNU Al-Farabi Sansyzbay Madiev drew the attention of the participants to the fact that journalism is the territory of professionals who work collectively and bear responsibility for their activities both under the law and within the framework of ethical codes. In Kazakhstan, the course for the development of media culture is deepening. At the same time, integrative relations with the public are expanding.

Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of Penza University, Doctor of Economics Sergei Vasin noted that today it is very important to keep up with the technical progress of the media sphere and work for the benefit of society, and the vice-president of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmed Yasavi Askar Turganbaev, Ph.D. sciences, emphasized the need to preserve the values ​​created by generations in order to pass them on to descendants.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Vashi 6 sotok", producer, political Andrey Tumanov (Moscow) noted that despite a strong technocratic bias, modern media specialists still manage to follow the best classical examples of journalism. As an example, he cited the Japanese press, which, after experimenting with a complete transition to the Internet, again returned to paper versions. The President of the Polish-Kazakhstani Industrial Chamber of Commerce Piotr Guzovsky agrees with him, who considers it important to modify and integrate the positive potential of such a communicative direction as PR.

At the thematic sections "The Global Space of Communication and Modeling Social Processes", "Media and Communication in a Pandemic: Opportunities and Risks", "Public Relations in a Globalizing Information Society", "Media and Educational Aspects of the Development of International Journalism" responsibility of the communicator and truly limitless choice for modern audiences. Scientists and practitioners are convinced that innovation should bring real results.

Within the framework of the conference, a round table "Distance learning technologies and pedagogical skills" was held, dedicated to the anniversary of the scientist and mentor of youth, senior lecturer of the UNESCO Chair, international journalism and media in society, PhD doctor Sharipa Syzdykovna Nurzhanova. This is a true professional who has worked in the media. She has implemented communication projects in the field of public PR, has trained many successful journalists and public relations specialists. According to the vice-rector of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn, doctor of philological sciences Sadyk Tillebayev, the best qualities, which the hero of the day has many, are combined with energy and multifaceted professional experience. On behalf of the rector of KazNU Al-Farabi Zh.K. Tuimebayev Sh.S. Nurzhanova was awarded the university medal "Eren enbegi ushin", and congratulations and letters of thanks came from dozens of countries around the world.

Summing up the results of the conference, Doctor of Philology Nazgul Shyngysova noted that in the future research on sustainable development of journalism will be strengthened, including with international partners such as UNESCO, and the pragmatic aspects of using public relations will expand.