


A meeting was held between representatives of the Nobel company and the Department of Biotechnology of Al-Farabi KazNU, during which an agreement was reached on the internship for university students on the basis of the enterprise and the implementation of other joint projects.


The meeting was attended by: AS Kistaubaeva, head of the biotechnology department of Al-Farabi KazNU, and Selchuk Tanryverdi, general director of NOBEL Almaty Pharmaceutical Factory JSC.

Currently, the pharmaceutical company Nobel is one of the leaders in the production of pharmaceuticals. The range of products includes about 250 products of various pharmaceutical groups, such as: antimicrobial, antibiotic, antipyretic analgesics, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, hypolipidemic, neuropsychiatric, antineoplastic and oncological drugs.

The annual production capacity of Nobel is 750 million tablets, 250 million capsules, 20 million vials of suspension syrup, 10 million tubes of cream-gel, and this is a significant share of the pharmaceutical products of the Kazakhstan market.

During the meeting, the issues of practical training of students of specialties "biotechnology" and "microbiology" in the Nobel company were raised. The general director of the enterprise Selcuk Tanriverdi made a proposal for the Department of Biotechnology to include new technologies in the educational program and expressed readiness to assist in improving the qualifications of teaching staff, adapting to the new requirements of GMP rules. The enterprise has laboratories for: physical and chemical analyzes, microbiology and production control. The staff often requires highly qualified specialists who can be trained from among university students.

As a result of the meeting, a preliminary agreement was reached on the internship of KazNU students at the enterprise, as well as on joint projects and training of specialists for the Nobel company.

Due to the fact that the company is gradually transforming, making a transition from the production of chemical and pharmaceutical products to the manufacture of more efficient biotechnological products, a new plant is being built, which will specialize in the production of biological products and biosimilars obtained by biotechnological methods. The company is ready to provide comprehensive support to the department, including by acting as sponsors of scientific conferences, as well as to provide the department with consumables necessary for the implementation of the educational process.