


Director of the Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Kim Taehwan visited the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. During the visit, the guest of honor put forward his proposals for the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of education.


Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome, the director of the Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea congratulated on the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence. Also, he noted the high achievements of KazNU in educational and research activities. In addition, Kim Taehwan stressed that next year will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Korea. “In this regard, we hope for further all-round cooperation in the field of culture, education and science for the benefit of the development of our states,” said the honored guest.

Welcoming the guest, Acting Vice-Rector for Operations of KazNU Kanatbek Mukanov congratulated Kim Taehwan on the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. At the same time, he noted that this year is significant for our country as well, since it is the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence.

The Korean Embassy in Kazakhstan made a great contribution to the development of political and economic interaction, as well as cooperation in the field of science, education and culture. About 50 out of 400 agreements were signed with universities and organizations of the Republic of Korea. For more than two decades of cooperation in KazNU at the Korean department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, more than tens of thousands of students have studied and passed professional practice in organizations.


It should be noted that today KazNU has established direct partnerships with 45 universities and organizations in South Korea. 3000 Kazakhstani students study in this republic.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU