


Today, students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University met with the descendants of Zhambyl, led by poet Yerzhan Kosbarmakov and Zhambyl expert Nagashybek Kapalbekuly.

Advisor to the rector of the university Malik Otarbayev opened the meeting, expressing his opinion on the timeliness of events popularizing the name of the great man. After all, it is poetry that gives light to young people. By promoting the rich heritage of Zhambyl, we bring his thoughts and ideas to today's youth.

In the first part of the event, students were able to talk with the Knight of the Order of "Ormet", a zhambyloved expert, a graduate of KazNU Nagashybek Kapalbekuly. According to the speaker, Zhambyl had an exceptional poetic talent. He was a true folk poet, leaving a deep mark in Kazakh oral literature. He was always with the people and left behind ten thousand lines, sincerely singing the dreams and sorrows of the Kazakhs. During the war, poets wrote poetry, choosing a pen as a weapon against the enemy, and a vivid example of this is Zhambyl with his call "Leningraders, my children!"

Nagashybek Kapalbekuly in his speech summarized the results of research and propaganda of the heritage of Zhambyl. He especially highlighted the contribution of scientists from the Kazakh National University to the creation of a multivolume book about the poet's work. He noted that from a young age he carefully keeps in his memory the creative poems of the poet, which nourish the spirit and form the unyielding character of a person.

Continuing the event, the students of the school-lyceum №161 named after Zhambyl Zhabayev recited the poet's poems in six languages. Famous singers Nurzhan Zhanpeisov, kyuishi Murat Abugazy, talented university students danced and sang songs.

Honored Artist of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Kosbarmakov told interesting and instructive stories from the poet's life and summed up the event, thanking the organizers of the evening.

At the end of the meeting, the participants were presented with letters of gratitude on behalf of the head of the university Zhanseit Tuymebaev, as well as collections of works by Zhambyl.

The event took place as part of the Zhambyl Week, which takes place at the educational institution in honor of the 175th anniversary of the poet.