


A week dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the poet Zhambyl Zhabayev has ended at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In this regard, today the students made an excursion to the literary-memorial museum of Suyunbai Aronuly and Zhambyl Zhabayev.

First, a group of students and teachers visited the mausoleum and literary-memorial museum of Suyunbai Aronuly. The museum of the akyn of the Kazakh people, a master of the art of improvisation, is located at the entrance to the village of Karakastek. Here, visitors got to know more closely the biography and work of the poet, with each exhibit of the literary and memorial museum. According to the head of the museum, Murat Kobdaliev, the number of visitors is growing every year.

"The literary-memorial museum of Suyunbai Aronuly was founded in 1991 and opened on August 24, 1996. More than 950 expatriates are represented here. Currently, we have 10 employees. More than 2000 visitors visit the museum annually," says the head of the museum.

Then the group visited the mausoleum of the outstanding poet Zhambyl Zhabayev, examined the memorial complex, and walked through the halls of the museum. The 12-room residential building was donated to Zhambyl Zhabayev by the state. Akyn lived here from 1938 to 1945. The poet's museum is located in a house surrounded by a large garden. The house has been preserved in its original form, with all furnishings and household items. The rooms contain objects, things, photographic documentary material that belonged to Zh.Zhabayev and have now become exhibits.

“The museum contains Zhambyl Zhabayev's personal car, documents, dombra, letters, and gifts. There are 3290 exhibits in total, ”says Saltanat Zhambylova, director of the Zhambyl Literary and Memorial Museum.

Thus, the younger generation visited the house where one of the most outstanding akyns-improvisers in the history of Kazakhstan lived, who left a big mark on the art of aitys.

"The week of Zhambyl Zhabayev, organized by the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, was held at a high level. One of its confirmation is that today we specially arrived at the museum of the poet, who left a rich poetic heritage.

a very educational day. " - says the 3rd year student Zhenisbek Ularbek.

In addition, the students visited the mausoleum of the Kazakh composer and conductor Nurgisa Tlendiev, which is located not far from the mausoleum of the poet Zhambyl Zhabayev. To bury him here was his dying request.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU