


The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Journalism, Publishing, Media Design: Trends Today and Development Trends", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist Tauman Amandosov, was held at the Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The event was attended by state and public figures, deputies of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of the media, representatives of the akimat of the Atyrau region, relatives and friends, students of T.S. Amandosova and student youth.

The participants got acquainted with a book and photo exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the leading figure of Kazakh journalism Tauman Amandosov. The exposition presents books written by scientists in different years, drawings and photographs telling about the life path, materials and research.

The Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuymebaev opened the conference with a welcoming speech. The head of the university spoke about the excellent qualities of the famous scientist and gave examples from his life, talked about his lecturing style, behavior and speeches, which were an excellent example for young people.

“After graduating from university, Tauman Amandosov taught at the alma mater all his life. He brought up many talented students, made an invaluable contribution to the development of Kazakh journalism. The professor honorably headed the faculties of philology and journalism of our educational institution. The opening of the TV and radio department is also associated with the name of Tauman Amandosov, ”the rector said, stressing the importance of the issue of quality influence on today's journalism, including on social networks and the values they broadcast.

A congratulatory letter from the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aida Balaeva, was read out at the event. The letter said: “Tauman Salykbayuly is a scientist who devoted his entire adult life to science and knowledge, studied the theory and practice of Kazakh journalism, and brought up several generations of students in the field of journalism. I am sure that in the future the popularization of creativity and merits of Tauman Salykbayuly will continue ”.

Also at the meeting, a letter from the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dauren Abaev was read out. The congratulation noted the great merit of the teacher, who devoted his conscious life to the education of professionals. The organization of this conference by the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a testament to the dedication of our outstanding personalities such as Tauman Amandosov. For many years the team has been honorably fulfilling the responsible task of training specialists. "

At the meeting, the writer Smagul Elubay shared his memories of an outstanding contemporary. “What it is like to be a dean, I have remembered for the rest of my life thanks to Tauman Amandosov. The Faculty of Journalism is our nest and abode. We are his students, the first graduates of the Faculty of Journalism. Tauman-aga's upbringing began with wise words. For five years we have absorbed the best, listening to the teacher, - said Smagul Elubay, sharing interesting fragments from student life.

Also at the meeting were: Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov, Professor Namazaly Omashev, President of the Academy of Journalists of Kazakhstan Sagymbay Kozybayev, Deputy Chairman of the Writers' Union, poet Bauyrzhan Zhakip, Professor of KazNU Kaken Kamzin, head of the Almaty TV channel Nurzhan Mukhamedzhan and many others.

Professor Tauman Amandosov was one of the few specialists in the USSR specializing in the theory of journalism. Author of 11 monographs, widely known to readers of the works "Publicism - the tone of the era", "Dostyk lebizi", "Genres of the Kazakh Soviet press".

During the event, the winners of the "Amandosov Competition", organized to support the creative searches of youth in the field of journalism and design, were awarded, as well as sponsored scholarships named after the scientist were awarded.

The winner of the first place in the “Best Scientific Work” nomination Almabek Ibraimov noted: “Doctor of Philology, Professor Tauman Salykbayuly said that the planet of“ information ”develops together with human consciousness and its evolution. Tauman Amandosov was one of the first to notice that the field of information exchange and journalism goes back to ancient times, and the word has always worked for the era. "


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU