


A forum of young entrepreneurs was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The speakers were famous businessmen such as Nurlan Smagulov, Armanzhan Baytasov, Asylbek Kozhakhmetov, Kairat Mazhibaev, Gaukhar Kapparova, Nurzhan Zhanabekov and many others.


The forum organized by KazNU and TAN Media Group is timed to the 30th anniversary of the country's independence and the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Opening the event, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuymebayev made a welcoming speech. In his speech, he noted that the development of entrepreneurship, especially youth entrepreneurship, is the most important task for our country and economy. “This forum for the young generation of entrepreneurs is especially important because they learn a lot of useful and necessary information about those moments of success that came through great difficulties and enormous work. And I think this forum will provide tremendous motivation for the younger generation of entrepreneurs. They will find many friends and like-minded people, share their experience and receive the necessary advice for starting or continuing their business. ", - said the head of the university.

Three generations of entrepreneurs gathered on one site, such as bright entrepreneurs of the 90s, charismatic entrepreneurs of the 2000s and fintech entrepreneurs of the tenths. Most of the well-known businessmen who performed on the stage today are al-Farabi Kazakh National University graduates.

One of them is the owner of the music TV channel MuzzOne and TAN Media Group, member of the Board of Directors of Al-Farabi KazNU Armanzhan Baytasov. According to him, as a student, he started doing business. “KazNU is our Alma Mater. We have a lot in common with this university. Many of us started our business as students. In any case, I went into business during my studies at the university. And it was very exciting. Almost all the guys from our stream tried to do business. And the first lessons on entrepreneurship we received there, learning from each other, ”says a graduate of KazNU.

Also speaking at the forum, Kazakhstani businessman and public figure, founder of RG Brands and Resmi Group Kairat Mazhibaev dwelled on the importance of quality education. “The most successful businessmen are the most educated businessmen. These are people who studied at the best Kazakhstani universities. The best management teams were created by graduates of the best Soviet universities. They were not afraid to analyze, and most importantly, they were not afraid to make mistakes, ”he said.

The speakers not only shared useful information, but also told funny anecdotes. We asked students questions and gave gifts for the correct answer.

During the event, Al-Farabi KazNU and TAN Media Group signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Within the framework of the forum, the results of the competition "Media café" were summed up, which was organized 2 weeks before the forum among students of KazNU. The winner was a team of three students. Nursultan Ondasynov, Asem Yerlanova, Dinaman Serikkhan presented their creative project and won a grant to run a coffee house for a year. And the organizers of the forum will fully finance the creation of a coffee shop on the territory of the university. This includes: providing all the necessary equipment, training and mentoring.

Participating in the forum of young entrepreneurs, which is held for the first time within the walls of the university, students took for themselves a lot of useful information. They not only received comprehensive answers to their questions, but were also saturated with practical ideas, new insights, inspired and motivated.

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU