


During the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the function of the generally accepted national idea and interethnic accord, which is based on the principle of unity in diversity, acquire a special role.

Interethnic harmony is the property of Kazakhstani society, which is the most important and integral part of the history of a sovereign state, and to a large extent took place thanks to the rather effective activities of central and local government bodies, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. And today the bulk of the country's population speaks openly about prosperity in the interethnic sphere, openly raises questions of ethnic protection in the state, and rebuffs manifestations of domestic nationalism.

Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic state. The multiethnic population of any country is a unique ethnic organism, the scientific understanding of the development of unity and diversity of which is necessary for the successful functioning of the state. Our country in all respects belongs to a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, which is home to more than 19 million people belonging to 130 ethnic groups and ethnic groups.

Kazakhstan regulates interethnic relations and processes in its national policy on the basis of a legal framework, including the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and relevant bodies and institutions functioning at the level of central, regional and local authorities. Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees that “no one can be subjected to any discrimination based on origin, social, official and property status, gender, race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, beliefs, place of residence or for any other circumstances. ", And Article 19 states that" everyone has the right to use their native language and culture, to freely choose the language of communication, education, training and creativity. " Thus, representatives of all ethnic groups and ethnic groups living on the territory of the republic have the same rights and cannot be discriminated against.

Interethnic harmony of Kazakhstani society is based on the principle of "unity in diversity", as a scientific analysis and creative understanding, stability of the territorial boundaries of national-state formations, taking into account the relationship and interaction of reforms in the ethnopolitical, political, spiritual and national spheres, the integrity of national policy, taking into account the relationship of all its components, assistance to small peoples in the development of their economy, culture, in the preservation of the environment, the formation of ethics of interethnic relations,

The function of the generally accepted national idea is to unite all Kazakhstanis into the Kazakhstani nation, to define for the whole world the image, aspirations and deeds of the Kazakhstani nation, expressing what the Kazakhstani people are striving to achieve in the future. The national idea of ​​the Kazakh people should be understandable and can be applied to the peoples of other countries.

Thus, the national idea should express the priorities of the worldview, common to people of all ethnic groups, confessions, with different political convictions inhabiting the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is also necessary to take into account that the national idea of ​​the Kazakh people is the national idea of ​​all people living on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of ethnicity; this is the national idea of ​​all Kazakhs, regardless of the country of residence: the people are equal to each of their people, each person is equal to their people.




candidate of pedagogical sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational

KazNU management