


As part of the decade "Independence is the most precious thing", timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an introductory lecture on the book of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev "Lessons from a Historical Personality" was held in the Al-Farabi Library for students and teachers. It was read by PhD doctoral student, graduate of the Bolashak program Duman Zhekenov.

The lecturer spoke in detail about the most interesting and important moments of the book, which became fateful in the history of Independent Kazakhstan, thanks to the multifaceted activities of the First President - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev.

“At the turn of the millennium, a new state appeared in the very heart of the Great Steppe. This made it possible for the Kazakh people, the descendants of the legendary Alash, to revive the lost values, restore their former unity, restore the interrupted chronicle of our heroic past. The fulfillment of this glorious mission in the vast expanses of the country, one of the ten largest countries in the world, generously endowed with natural resources, was destined by the very destiny of the great son of his people, the founder of our state, the First President of independent Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, "noted K. K. Tokayev in his book.

“At the dawn of the country's independence, many international experts in the early 1990s expressed their negative opinion about the future of Kazakhstan and predicted a revolution, listing many factors that could become an obstacle on the path of independence. This is the small size of the indigenous nation, at that time it was only 30%, different religions among the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a dependent and weak economy and much more, ”said lecturer D. Zhekenov in his speech.

However, thanks to the well-considered and far-sighted policy of N. Nazarbayev, the country has solved many problems that could hinder the formation of the country's independence. This is how the issues of territorial borders with all neighboring republics were resolved, Kazakhstan was able to build friendly and constructive relations with many countries of the world and take a worthy place in the international arena, the economy became a market economy. The controversial issues regarding the Baikonur cosmodrome and the largest international oil transportation project with the participation of Russia, Kazakhstan, as well as the world's leading mining companies were resolved.

As the lecturer noted, 1991-2000 years were the most difficult for all citizens of the country. In the book of K.K. Tokaev

"Lessons from a Historical Personality" describes in detail the significant periods of the formation of Independence - information that is not found in all textbooks. According to D. Zhekenov, this work of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will become one of the historical and useful books for the future generation. In conclusion, the lecturer answered the questions of student youth and wished them fortitude and loyalty to their homeland.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU