


One of the most successful alumni of Al-Farabi KazNU - Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of its Permanent Representative Office in Almaty, Eszhan Amantayevich Birtanov, is sure that it was the alma mater that served as an excellent start for his professional career. On the eve of Independence Day, he recalls the years of study and excellent teachers of the university.

Birtanov Eszhan Amantayevich - al-Farabi Kazakh National University graduate in 1997 and 1999. release; has over 18 years of experience in investment and asset management. His merits include active participation in the process of creating the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan using the mechanisms and experience of developed countries, clear and competent management of the country's international reserves.

Eszhan Amantayevich, you are a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. What role has the education received within the walls of the alma mater played in your professional activity?

Fundamental knowledge gained at my home university almost completely determined my professional career. I worked at the National Bank, National Investment Corporation of the National Bank, National Managing Holding "Baiterek". I never stopped learning and gaining new knowledge and skills. At the same time, I clearly understand that the study at KazNU served as the basis for all this.

Despite the difficult period of the early and mid-1990s, when the educational system was completely changed, thanks to the excellent teachers of KazNU, we managed to get a decent and high-quality education, which to this day allows me to successfully realize myself as a professional.

How long did you study at KazNU named after al-Farabi, with which teachers?

I completed my bachelor's and master's degrees at KazNU. While studying in the magistracy, at the same time I got a job at the National Bank, which helped me to decide on the topic of my master's thesis and successfully defend it later. I was enrolled in the graduate school of the university, where my scientific advisor was a famous scientist, Doctor of Economics, professor and then rector of the university, now deceased, K.N. Naribaev. I planned to defend my Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Gold in Kazakhstan". However, it turned out to be difficult to combine scientific activity with work. But my dissertation was practically realized: while working at the National Bank in 2000, I was one of those who directly participated in the formation of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since the moment when the National Bank exercised the right of preemptive purchase of refined gold in the domestic market, its volume in the reserves of the National Bank has increased more than 5 times. At the end of November 2021, the volume of gold amounted to 411 tons, while at the end of 2011 - 81 tons. And in 2000, when we started this work, it was a figure of 56 tons. Today, in terms of the volume of gold in the gold reserves, Kazakhstan is in the top 10 countries of the world along with developed countries.

Let's go back to the teachers who taught me. I remember well the lectures on political economy that Gulzhan Zhanpeisovna Karagusova read to us in the first year. She was a very demanding teacher and it was not easy for her to pass the test. I mastered microeconomics and macroeconomics thanks to Bulat Mintayevich Mukhamediev. At that time, there were few specialists in this area, and we were lucky to be among the first macroeconomists of independent Kazakhstan. The university gave us a powerful fundamental base in statistical analysis, the basics of econometrics. Serik Sarsengalievich Ospanov continued to read us macroeconomics in the magistracy. I remember and deeply respect many teachers, they put in us knowledge that was useful to us in practice, and taught us to learn throughout our lives.

I remember well and always fondly remember my student years, our academic building with its classrooms and lecture halls. It was a fun time, I am constantly in touch with many fellow students.

Eszhan Amantayevich, what would you advise current students studying at Al-Farabi KazNU?

Our university has excellent traditions of training professionals not only in the field of economics, but also in other areas. Students who are still studying at the university are just about to enter their professional life, so the important qualities that I would like to see in you are honesty, openness, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit in putting into practice the knowledge that you receive within the walls of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

I wish that the new generation of highly professional specialists, which our alma mater produces, will continue to shape the history of our independent state and implement the most daring ideas, projects and plans! Good luck and success!

What would you wish the students and the teaching staff of Al-Farabi KazNU in connection with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Dear students and faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University! I sincerely congratulate you on the national holiday - Independence Day of the Republic

glare Kazakhstan! This is one of the most significant holidays in our country. 30 years ago, our country acquired the status of an independent, democratic, secular and legal state, becoming a symbol of unity and prosperity. On this momentous day, please accept my warmest wishes for good health, family well-being and a happy life! With all my heart I wish the faculty, staff and students of the University new creative successes!


The interview was prepared by Rakhmatullaeva Dinara Zhaksylykovna,

PhD, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics

HSE&B al-Farabi KazNU