


Additional time for passing the UNT will be provided to applicants with special educational needs in 2022. On behalf of the Minister of Education and Science Askhat Aimagambetov, the National Testing Center will take a number of measures to ensure that applicants with special needs can pass the UNT in the most comfortable conditions.

Thus, next year, applicants who have impairments of vision, hearing, and functions of the musculoskeletal system will receive, in addition to the basic 240 minutes, another 40 additional minutes to complete testing tasks. That is, they can take the UNT longer than the others: within 4 hours and 40 minutes.


“The most important guideline in our work is the interests of the entrants. We already hold UNT several times a year. And we continue to create conditions for the comfortable passing of testing by applicants, including applicants with special educational needs. For them, the time for passing the UNT is extended by another 40 minutes. In addition, changes will be made to the content of assignments for applicants with special needs. Test options have been developed for them without pictures, diagrams and diagrams. Earlier this instruction was given to us by the Minister of Education and Science A. Aimagambetov. These changes will make it much easier for them to pass the UNT, ”said Ruslan Yemelbayev, director of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


At the same time, it is important to ensure the principle of transparency when passing testing. Earlier, the ministry has already taken a set of measures. Next year, testing will be carried out according to the principle "1 computer - 2 cameras - 1 tested". At the applicant's workplace, in addition to the main camera, an additional front-facing webcam will be installed to record sound and fix the person's movements. The front-facing webcam will allow you to identify the applicant and exclude the substitution of persons during the UNT. It is also necessary to monitor the progress of the exam and ensure the transparency of testing.


After the end of UNT-2022, the analysis of video recordings will be carried out by the end of the calendar year. In cases of detection of the use of prohibited items or other violations, the results of the applicant's UNT will be canceled.


Note that in 2022 the UNT will also be held in electronic format. Applicants traditionally pass testing in three compulsory subjects (history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy) and two specialized subjects.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan