


At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a ten-volume Anthology of Abay Studies, compiled by scientists of the Abay Research Institute, has been published.

The first volume of the anthology opens with an article by the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev “Abai and Kazakhstan in the XXI century”. It says: “The works of the great poet have not lost their relevance today. Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the enduring value of the poet's legacy: “After all, despite the fact that the world has changed, the people have not lost interest in Abai. With each new era, the facets of its greatness are revealed, and creativity plays with new colors. Abai will always live with his people. And for centuries to call the Kazakh people and the country to new heights and achievements ", - these wise words of Elbasy about the thinker-poet, can be regarded as the eternal testament of his heritage. If we delve into Abai's work, we will see that he has always been sincerely interested in the advancement and development of his people, advocated the prosperity of the country and glorified this idea in full. "

The multivolume edition has been compiled on the basis of the 50-volume edition “Abaovedenie. Selected Works ", prepared earlier at the Abai Research Institute at the KazNU named after Al-Farabi and published by the publishing house "Kazakh university". It systematizes fundamental works on the history of Abay studies, in particular, scientific monographs of prominent researchers M. Auezov, S. Mukanov, K. Zhumaliev, K. Mukamedkhanov, M. Myrzakhmetov, R. Syzdykova, Z. Akhmetov, Zh. Ismagulov and others. To date, separate studies devoted to the work of Abai Kunanbayev, interdisciplinary works of historical and cognitive significance, which are devoted to the scientific understanding of topical problems in the field of Abay studies, have been systematized.

Abay studies as a branch of Kazakh literary criticism occupies a special place in the formation of the system and history as an independent science. The anthology contributes to the development of the humanities, the growth of the intellectual potential of Kazakhstan as a whole, the spiritual consciousness of the people, "said the director of the Abai Research Institute, Professor Zhangara Dadebaev.

In the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" there is a principle: "For success, an independent scientific base is required, based on the experience of several generations of scientists, a large terabyte of special information and knowledge of historically established scientific schools. The multivolume serial publication “Abay Studies. Selected Works "and the ten-volume Anthology of Abay Studies" are a real success in the implementation of this principle.

At the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi created an independent scientific information base based on the experience of many generations of scientists in the field of Abay studies, knowledge developed by historically established scientific schools. This is an open electronic fund of socially significant information on the preservation, enrichment, propaganda, the study of scientific and informational values ​​in the field of Abay studies, the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids. The Anthology of Abay Studies is a key component of this base.

The ten-volume work is of great value in the system of social sciences and humanities, in the history of Abay studies. Its use will serve to strengthen the unity and cohesion of the country, the development of our public consciousness. In addition, the institute presented to the attention of the readers the "Code of Abai's Man", which contains the deep, fundamental thoughts of the genius. This code, designed to awaken the heart of every Kazakh, contains the life commandment of the main poet, who called on his people and every Kazakh not to deviate from the principles of humanism.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU